Showing 1 - 20 results of 38 for search '"polytonality"', query time: 0.09s Refine Results
  1. 1

    Guide to Bartók's Mikrokosmos by Suchoff, Benjamin

    London : Boosey and Hawkes, 1971
    Revised edition.
    Table of Contents:
    Format: Book

  2. 2

    This modern music : a guide for the bewildered listener / c John Tasker Howard. by Howard, John Tasker, 1890-1964

    Freeport, N.Y. : Books for Libraries Press, 1969
    Table of Contents: “…Writing music in two or more keys at once: polytonality --…”
    Format: Book

  3. 3

    The Aeolian mode, for all instruments. by DeCosmo, Emile

    No. Bergen, N.J. : EDC Publications; 1969
    “…Polytonal rhythm series.…”
    Format: Musical Score Book

  4. 4

    The Tritone cycle, for all instruments. by DeCosmo, Emile

    North Bergen, N.J. : EDC Publications ; 1968
    “…Polytonal rhythm series.…”
    Format: Musical Score Book

  5. 5

    The diminished scale for all instruments. by DeCosmo, Emile

    No. Bergen, N.J. : EDC Publications ; 1967
    “…Polytonal rhythm series.…”
    Format: Musical Score Book

  6. 6

    The Dorian mode, for all instruments. by DeCosmo, Emile

    No. Bergen, N.J. : EDC Publications ; 1967
    “…Polytonal rhythm series.…”
    Format: Musical Score Book

  7. 7

    The cycle of fifths, for all instruments. by DeCosmo, Emile

    North Bergen, N.J. : EDC Publications ; 1965
    “…Polytonal rhythm series.…”
    Format: Musical Score Book

  8. 8

    The Lydian mode, for all instruments. by DeCosmo, Emile

    No. Bergen, N.J. : EDC Publications ; 1969
    “…Polytonal rhythm series.…”
    Format: Musical Score Book

  9. 9

    The Ionian mode, for all instruments. by DeCosmo, Emile

    No. Bergen, N.J. : EDC Publications ; 1968
    “…Polytonal rhythm series.…”
    Format: Musical Score Book

  10. 10

    The Mixolydian mode, for all instruments. by DeCosmo, Emile

    No. Bergen, N. J. : EDC Publications ; 1969
    “…Polytonal rhythm series.…”
    Format: Musical Score Book

  11. 11

    The Byzantine scale, for all instruments. by DeCosmo, Emile

    No. Bergen, N.J. : EDC Publications ; 1968
    “…Polytonal rhythm series.…”
    Format: Musical Score Book

  12. 12

    French music : from the death of Berlioz to the death of Fauré by Cooper, Martin, 1910-1986

    London ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1951
    Table of Contents:
    Format: Book

  13. 13

    French music, from the death of Berlioz to the death of Fauré by Cooper, Martin, 1910-1986

    London ; New York ; Toronto : Oxford University Press, 1961
    Table of Contents:
    Format: Book

  14. 14

    The listening experience : elements, forms, and styles in music by O'Brien, James Patrick

    New York : London : Schirmer Books ; Prentice Hall International, 1995
    2nd ed.
    Table of Contents:
    Format: Cassette Book

  15. 15

    Twentieth century counterpoint : a guide for students by Searle, Humphrey

    London : Williams and Norgate, 1954
    Table of Contents: “…Introduction -- The development of chromatic counterpoint -- Stravinsky and expanded diatonicism -- Milhaud and polytonality -- Bártok and the free use of dissonance -- Hindemith and diatonicised chromaticism -- Schoenberg and twelve-tone composition -- Some independents -- Conclusion : a new hypothesis -- Postscript, 1954.…”
    Format: Book

  16. 16

    New and old : twelve pieces for piano by Riegger, Wallingford, 1885-1961

    New York : Boosey & Hawkes, 1947
    Table of Contents: “…The augmented triad -- The major second -- The tritone -- The twelve tones -- Shifted rhythm -- Twelve upside down -- Seven times seven -- Chromatics -- Dissonant counterpoint -- Tone clusters -- Polytonality -- Fourths and fifths.…”
    Format: Musical Score Book

  17. 17

    Thesaurus of scales and melodic patterns by Slonimsky, Nicolas, 1894-1995

    New York : Coleman-Ross Company, Inc., 1947
    Table of Contents: “…Tritone progression -- Ditone progression -- Sesquitone progression -- Whote-tone progression -- Semitone progression -- Quadritone progression -- Quinquetone progression -- Diatessaron progression -- Septitone progression -- Diapente progression -- Sesquiquinquetone progression -- Heptatonic scales -- Heptatonic arpeggios -- Pentatonic scales -- Bitonal arpeggios -- Twelve-tone patterns -- Crossing intervals -- Division of twelve tones into four mutually exclusive triads -- Quadritonal arpeggios -- Intervallic series -- Mirror interval progressions -- Complementary scales -- Permutations -- Pandiatonic progressions -- Double notes -- Plural scales and arpeggios -- Polytonal scales -- Polyrhythmic scales -- Polytonal polyrhythmic scales -- Palindromic canons -- Autochordal harmonization -- Harmonization in major triads and seventh-chords -- Synopsis of chords.…”
    Format: Musical Score Book

  18. 18

    Crotchets; a few short musical notes, by Scholes, Percy A., 1877-1958

    Freeport, N.Y., Books for Libraries Press 1966
    Table of Contents: “…The "Rite" and the wrong of it ; Honest doubt ; Stravinsky in the nursery -- Polytonality and atonality. Polytonality ; Atonality -- Colour and sound -- The mind made up -- Handel and Bach. …”
    Format: Book

  19. 19

    Musical composition by Brindle, Reginald Smith, 1917-2003

    Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1986
    Table of Contents: “…Technical expansions 1 : free pentatonic music, free diatonicism, the whole-tone scale, bitonality and polytonality, harmony in fourths -- 11. Technical expansions 2 : towards atonality, atonality, free chromaticism or free twelve-note music, twelve-note harmony -- 12. …”
    Format: Book

  20. 20

    This modern music by Abraham, Gerald, 1904-1988

    New York : Norton, 1952
    [1st American edition].
    Table of Contents: “…By way of explanation -- The nature of the problem -- Modern harmony : the relative nature of discord -- Modern harmony : new chords and the new attitude to chords -- Polytonality, atonality, and the quarter-tone system -- Modern melody -- Form and spirit -- A note on the twelve-tone system -- Fashions in modern music.…”
    Format: Book