Table of Contents:
  • V. 1. Marshall House, Alexandria, Va.
  • Slave Pen, Alexandria, Va.
  • Fairfax Court-House
  • Stone Church, Centreville
  • Fortifications on height of Centreville
  • Quaker Guns, Centreville
  • Ruins of Stone Bridge, Bull Run
  • Mathews House, Battle-field of Bull Run
  • Ruins at Manassas
  • Ruins at Manassas Junction
  • Fortifications at Manassa
  • Battery No. 1, near Yorktown
  • No. 1
  • Battery No. 1, near Yorktown
  • No. 2
  • Battery No. 4, near Yorktown
  • Moore House, Yorktown, where Cornwallis signed the capitulation
  • Camp at Cumberland Landing, on the Pamunkey
  • Military Bridge across the Chickahominy
  • Ruins of Norfolk Navy Yard
  • Antietam Bridge, on Boonsboro and Sharpsburg Turnpike
  • Burnside Bridge, across Antietam Creek
  • Dunker Church Battle-field of Antietam
  • Signal Tower, Elk Mountain, overlooking Battlefield of Antietam
  • President Lincoln on Battle-field of Antietam
  • Scene in Pleasant Valley, foot of South Mountain, Maryland
  • Pontoon Bridge, across the Potamac at Berlin
  • Meeting of the Shenandoah and Potomac, at Harper's Ferry
  • What do I want, John Henry?
  • scene near Warrenton
  • Scouts and guide to the army of the Potomac
  • Lacy House, Falmouth, Va.
  • Frederickburg, Virginia
  • Battery D, 2d U.S. Artillery in action
  • Pontoon Bridge, across the Rappahannock
  • Evacuation of Aquia Creek
  • Group of Confederate Prisoners, Fairfax Court-House
  • Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
  • A harvest of death, Battle-field of Gettysburg
  • Field where General Reynolds fell, Battle of Gettysburg
  • Interior of breastworks on Round Top, Battle-field of Gettysburg
  • Gateway of Cemetery, Gettysburg
  • A sharpshooters last sleep, on Battle-field of Gettysburg, July 1863
  • Home of a rebel sharpshooter, Battle-field of Gettysburg, July 1863
  • Trossel's House, Battle-field of Gettysburg
  • Headquarters Maj. Gen. George G. Meade, during Battle of Gettysburg
  • Slaughter Pen, foot of Round Top, Battle-field of Gettysburg
  • Studying the art of war, scene at Fairfax Court-House
  • Provost Marshal's office, Aquia Creek
  • Castle Murray, near Arburn, Virginia
  • Culpeper, Virginia
  • General Post-Office, Army of the Potomac
  • The Halt, scene near Culpeper.
  • V. 2. The "Shebang," or Quarters Sanitary Commission, Brandy Station
  • Residence of Quartermaster Third Army Corps
  • Headquarters Christian Commission, in the field
  • Field Hospital, Second Army Corps Brandy Station
  • Headquarters guard of the army of the Potomac
  • Headquarters New York Herald, in the field
  • Camp architecture
  • Pontoon boat
  • Battery A, Fourth U.S. Artillery, Robertson's Brigade
  • Headquarters of the army of the Potomac, Brandy Station
  • Commissary Department, Headquarters Army of the Potomac
  • U.S. Military Telegraph Construction Corps
  • Breaking Camp
  • Wagon Park
  • Jericho Mills, on the North Anna
  • Chesterfield Bridge, across the North Anna
  • Quarles' Mills, on the North Anna
  • Charles City Court-House
  • Pontoon Bridge, across the James
  • Army repair shop
  • Aiken House, on Weldon Railroad, Virginia
  • Medical supply boat planter, on the Appomattox
  • U.S. military telegraph battery wagon
  • Poplar Grove Church, built by the 50th N.Y.V. Engineers
  • Mortar dictator
  • A fancy group
  • scene in fron of Petersburg
  • Army forge scene
  • Three first traverses, Fort Fisher, N.C.
  • The pulpit, Fort Fisher, N.C.
  • Johnson's Mill, near Petersburg
  • View of gas works, Petersburg, showing effects of bombardment
  • View on the Appomattox, near Campbell's Bridge
  • Quarters of men in Fort Sedgwick, generally known as Fort Hell
  • View of the Interior of Fort Stedman
  • Blandford Church, Petersburg
  • Interior view of Confederate Works at Gracie's Salient
  • Dutch Gap Canal, James River
  • Ruins of Richmond and Petersburg Railroad, across the James
  • Libby Prison, Richmond
  • Old Capitol Prison, Washington
  • Ruins of Arsenal, Richmond
  • View on canal, near Haxall & Crenshaw's Mill, Richmond
  • Runins of Arsenal, Richmond
  • View on Canal, near Haxall & Crenshaw's Mill, Richmond
  • Ruins of Gaines' Mill, Virginia
  • A burial party on Battle-field of Cold Harbor
  • Mechanicsville, Virginia
  • Extreme line of Confederate works, Cold Harbor
  • Appomattox Station, Virginia
  • High Bridge, accross the Appomattox
  • McLean's House, where Grant and Lee signed the capitulation
  • Dedication of monument, on Bull Run Battle-field.