Table of Contents:
  • The breakup of the colonial empires and its implications for US security
  • Consequences to the US of communist domination of mainland Southeast Asia
  • Critical developments in French policy toward Indochina
  • Probable communist strategy and tactics at Geneva
  • Consequences within Indochina of the fall of Dien Bien Phu
  • Probable military and political developments in Indochina over the next 30 days
  • Post-Geneva outlook in Indochina
  • Probable developments in North Vietnam to July 1956
  • Probable developments in North and South Vietnam through mid-1957
  • The prospects for North Vietnam
  • Prospects for North and South Vietnam
  • Short-term trends in South Vietnam
  • Probable communist reactions to certain US actions in South Vietnam
  • Communist objectives, capabilities, and intentions in Southeast Asia
  • Prospects in South Vietnam
  • Probable consequences of certain US actions with respect to Vietnam and Laos
  • Would the loss of South Vietnam and Laos precipitate a "domino effect" in the Far East?
  • The situation in South Vietnam
  • Probable communist reactions to certain US actions
  • Reactions to a further US buildup in South Vietnam
  • Communist and free world reactions to a possible US course of action
  • Probable communist reactions to a US course of action
  • Reactions to continuation or termination of the pause in air attacks on the DRV
  • Possible effects of a proposed US course of action on DRV capability to support the insurgency in South Vietnam
  • Current Chinese Communist intentions in the Vietnam situation
  • The Vietnamese Communists' will to persist-summary and principal findings only
  • Soviet attitudes and intentions toward the Vietnam War
  • Implications of an unfavorable outcome in Vietnam
  • Capabilities of the Vietnamese Communists for fighting in South Vietnam
  • Hanoi's negotiating position and concept of negotiations
  • Capabilities of the Vietnamese Communists for fighting in South Vietnam
  • The outlook from Hanoi : factors affecting North Vietnam's policy on the war in Vietnam
  • The outlook for Cambodia
  • South Vietnam : problems and prospects
  • Short-term prospects for Vietnam
  • The likelihood of a major North Vietnamese offensive against South Vietnam before June 30, 1975
  • Short-term prospects for Vietnam
  • Assessment of the situation in South Vietnam.