Upon arrival of illness : coming to terms with the dark companion : an anthology of hope.

Collected essays and poems about coming to terms with the dark companion. The compilation of submissions to the Kelly Culhane Writing Prize. - Publisher.

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Jonell, Lynne (Author), Thurston, Susan (Author), Harden, Holly (Author), Maxim, Katie (Author), Koski, Jess (Author), Stelson, Caren, 1951- (Author), Rennwald, Jacqueline M. (Author), Falsani, Terry (Author), Jovanovich, Beverly (Author), Bransford, Chuck (Author), Lounsbury, Connie, 1941- (Author), Esboldt, Shannon (Author), Wilmes, Roxanne (Author), Van Beusekom, Mary (Author), Rusin, James D. (Author), Tate, Kathy (Author), Aas, Jane (Author), Bauer, Marion Dane (Author), McCarthy, William (Author), Luby, Donna (Author), Gibson, Lois K. (Author), Kluender, Carolyn (Author), Roberts, Nancy (Author), Schauer, Heidi (Author), Steffenson, Jean (Author), Tiesel, Judy Watson (Author), Moore, Christopher O. (Author), Shega, Kathleen (Author), Hart, Mara (Author), Johnson, Lindsay Lee (Author), Padden, Amy (Author), Amundsen, Mary (Author), McCarthy, Mary Jo (Author), Saver, Sharyl (Author), Linstrom, Steve (Author), McGilligan, Micky (Author), Colla, Jeff (Author), Albers, Shari (Author), Hartman, Brenda (Author), Paradis, Kelly (Author), Miller, Nathan R. (Author), Cooper, Deborah Gordon (Author), McLean, Lynn J. (Author), Morrow, Katherine (Author), Griffith, Beret (Author), Germ, Carol (Author), Bergstrom, Adele L. (Author), Kleinschmidt, Teresa (Author), Kirchmaier, Linda (Author), Johnson, Keith (Author), Nelson, Rachel (Author), Manderfeld, Margaret (Author), Oberg-McArdle, Andrea (Author), Klein, Linda L. (Author), Johnson, B. J. (Author), Sweere, Mary (Author), Waytz, Paul H. (Author), Weicht, Sandra Frederiksen (Author), Nemitz, Rachel D. (Author), Nelson-Guenther, Paula (Author), Lindgren, Amy (Author), Young, Kirsten (Author), Fisher, Joy (Author), McKhann, Lisa (Author), Noordergraaf, Jeske (Author), Lyons, Kris Brenna (Author), Schreier, Carol A. (Author), Harrold, Mary Alice (Author), Larson, Carol (Author), Martin-Granstra, Brenda (Author), Sauber, Dorothy (Author), Riggs, Joy (Author)
Format: Book
Published: Superior, WI : Savage Press, a Superior Publishing Company, [2012].
Edition:First edition.
Table of Contents:
  • 1. Covenant / Katrina Smith
  • 2. [untitled] / Lynne Jonell
  • 3. Heirloom / Susan Thurston
  • 4. The gift of shadows / Holly Harden
  • 5. The being and the breath / Katie Maxim
  • 6. What's next? / Dorothy Sauber
  • 7. [untitled] / Sean James McGinty
  • 8. The white spider / Mary Rehwald
  • 9. Please, don't take my sunshine from me / Jess Koski
  • 10. [untitled] / Eugenie Doyle
  • 11. Whitewater canoeing the River Cancer / Caren B. Stelson
  • 12. No goodbyes / Jacqueline M. Rennwald
  • 13. Bird watching with my mother / Teresa Boyle Falsani
  • 14. Meeting Lady C / Mary Lu Perham
  • 15. Operator, information / Beverly Jovanovich
  • 16. Scared to death about dying / Chuck Bransford
  • 17. Wearing purple / Connie Lounsbury
  • 18. Great impact / Shannon Esboldt
  • 19. On trying to define illness / Amy Lindgren
  • 20. [untitled] / Viola LaBounty
  • 21. The month I grew up / Roxanne Wilmes
  • 22. Sister / Mary Van Beusekom
  • 23. M.D. / James D. Rusin
  • 24. One rose / Elaine J. (Lohmeier) Fealy
  • 25. A cancer named Isla / Kathy Tate
  • 26. New tapestry / Jane Aas
  • 27. The language of cancer / Marion Cane Bauer
  • 28. [untitled] / William McCarthy
  • 29. CANCER... it's a game changer / Cheryl Stratos
  • 30. [untitled] / Atossa Shafaie
  • 31. White lies / Donna Luby
  • 32. Hailstorms happen / Dorothy Sauber
  • 33. So, it's cancer / Lois K. Gibson
  • 34. [untitled] / Carolyn Kluender
  • 35. Look through the tears / Nancy Roberts
  • 36. Survive / Heidi Schauer
  • 37. [untitled] / Jean Steffenson
  • 38. A change of hearts / Rosanna Klepper
  • 39. Shifting energies / Judy Watson Tiesel
  • 40. Black dog / Christopher O. Moore
  • 41. Is there anything funny in all this? / Amy Lindgren
  • 42. [untitled] / Kathleen Shega
  • 43. Something off my chest / Mara Hart
  • 44. Housekeeping / Mary Martha Kobus
  • 45. Embarking on this journey beyond shame / Patricia A. Gott
  • 46. [untitled] / Lindsay Lee Johnson
  • 47. [untitled] / Amy Padden
  • 48. The terrorist and hope / Mary Amundsen
  • 49. My daughter Kelly / Mary Jo McCarthy
  • 50. A cowgirl with a will to survive / Sharyl Saver
  • 51. The North Shore / Steve Linstrom
  • 52. Denial / Micky McGilligan
  • 53. [untitled] / Jeff Colla
  • 54. Cancer journals / Shari Albers
  • 55. My walk with death / Brenda Hartman
  • 56. When there are no more words / Kelly Paradis
  • 57. Every little thing / Nathan R. Miller
  • 58. Solace / Deborah Gordon Cooper
  • 59. [untitled] / Lynn J. McLean
  • 60. [untitled] / Katherine Morrow
  • 61. Thirty-eight days / Beret Griffith
  • 62. [untitled] / Nancy Maratta
  • 63. The day my life began to change / Carol Germ
  • 64. Breast friends forever / Adele L. Bergstrom
  • 65. [untitled] / Teresa Kleinschmidt
  • 66. Betty Grable legs / Kristine Zimmer Orkin
  • 67. [untitled] / Jeanne Marie Riese
  • 68. Uninvited guest / Linda Kirchmaier
  • 69. [untitled] / Keith Johnson
  • 70. Cancer, my ally / Rachel Nelson
  • 71. [untitled] / Margaret Manderfeld
  • 72. [untitled] / Andrea Oberg-McArdle
  • 73. Death stalks my mother / Lizzy Carney
  • 74. Remembering Malinda / Linda L. Klein
  • 75. How I got Hoppy / B.J. Johnson
  • 76. [untitled] / Mary Sweere
  • 77. Tears / Paul H. Waytz
  • 78. Mimi may I? / Sandra Frederiksen Weicht
  • 79. [untitled] / Rachel D. Nemitz
  • 80. Road to hope / Paula Nelson-Guenther
  • 81. My mother's story / Amy Lindgren
  • 82. [untitled] / Bonnie Gintis
  • 83. Out of darkness / Kirsten Young
  • 84. The power of prayer / Joy Fisher
  • 85. The welcome basket / Lisa McKhann
  • 86. Some weight / Kate Severson
  • 87. [untitled] / Jeske Noordergraaf
  • 88. Just beyond the door / Dorothy Sauber
  • 89. [untitled] / Kris Brenna Lyons
  • 90. [untitled] / Carol A. Schreier
  • 91. [untitled] / Mary Alice Harrold
  • 92. [untitled] / Carol Larson
  • 93. [untitled] / Brenda Martin-Granstra
  • 94. Like mother, like daughter / Joy Riggs.