Table of Contents:
  • Part I. Production. Market-determined and residual incomes- some dilemmas (with Jacob Kol) ; Production functions with several factors ; Constraints on production functions : essential vs. non-essential factors ; Counterproduction : On collective and part -collective goods ; Production functions : research lacunae
  • Part II. Income formation. On a macroeconomic model of income formation (with Eckhard Wegner) ; The role of occupational status in income formation ; Determinants of manager incomes ; Two approaches to quantify the concept of equitable income distribution
  • Part III. Welfare functions. Measurements of social welfare ; The allocation of workers to jobs ; Some neglected determinants of welfare functions
  • Part IV. The optimal social order. The dynamic welfare maximum ; Some remarks on the optimal tax system ; Optimal education, occupation and income distribution in a simplistic model ; Ways to socialism ; Coexistence :from the past to the future ; Restructuring our societies : international coordination policies.