Table of Contents:
  • The textual transmission / Charles E. Murgia
  • The Agricola / Dylan Sailor
  • Germania / James B. Rives
  • Tacitus' Dialogus de oratoribus : a socio-cultural history / Steven H. Rutledge
  • The histories / Jonthan Master
  • The annals / Herbert W. Benario
  • Tacitus' sources / David Potter
  • Tacitus and Roman historiography / Arthur Pomeroy
  • The concentration of power and writing history : forms of historical persuasion in The histories (1.1-49) / Olivier Devillers
  • Deliberative oratory in The annals and the Dialogus / Christopher S. van den Berg
  • Tacitus' senatorial embassies of 69 CE / Kathryn Williams
  • Deuotio, disease, and remedia in The histories / Rebecca Edwards
  • Tacitus in the twenty-first century : the struggle for truth in Annals 1-6 / Barbara Levick
  • Tacitus' history and mine / Holly Haynes
  • Seneca in Tacitus / James Ker
  • Annum quiete et otio transiit : Tacitus (Ag. 6.3) and Sallust on liberty, tyranny, and human dignity / Christopher B. Krebs
  • "Let us tread our path together" : Tacitus and the Younger Pliny / Christopher Whitton
  • Tacitus and epic / Timothy A. Joseph
  • Silius italicus and Tacitus on the tragic hero : the case of Germanicus / Eleni Manolaraki and Antony Augoustakis
  • Historian and satirist : Tacitus and Juvenal / Catherine Keane
  • Masculinity and gender performance in Tacitus / Thomas Späth
  • Women and domesticity / Kristina Milnor
  • Postcolonial approaches to Tacitus / Nancy Shumate
  • Tacitus and political thought / Daniel Kapust.