Stranger things. Afterschool adventures omnibus

Zombie Boys: It's spring in the normally quiet town of Hawkins, Indiana. Mike, Lucas, Dustin, and Will grapple with the traumatic encounters they had with the Demogorgon-the stress building tension in their crew. Just in time to distract them, Spielberg-wannabe, Joey Kim, joins their AV club wi...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Pak, Greg (Author), Lore, Danny (Author)
Other Authors: Jackson, Dan, 1971- (colourist.), Piekos, Nate (letterer.)
Format: Book
Published: Milwaukie, OR : Dark Horse Books, 2022.
Edition:First edition.
Series:Stranger things
Table of Contents:
  • Zombie boys
  • The bully
  • Erica the Great.