Spoon River anthology /

An extraordinary book, which will delight some readers, as its cynicism--or realism--will offend others. Each poem is an autobiographical epitaph of the residents of Spoon River, a fictional small town named after a town near the author's home town, which endeavors to reveal life in rural Ameri...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Masters, Edgar Lee, 1868-1950
Format: Book
Published: New York : Macmillan [1963,c1944]
Macmillan Company, 1963.
Table of Contents:
  • Herman Altman
  • Hannah Armstrong
  • Harold Arnett
  • Lucius Atherton
  • John Ballard
  • Amanda Barker
  • Pauline Barrett
  • Ezra Bartlett
  • Marie Bateson
  • Tom Beatty
  • Isaiah Beethoven
  • Hon. Henry Bennett
  • Nicholas Bindle
  • Mrs. Charles Bliss
  • A.D. Blood
  • Wendell P. Bloyd
  • Richard Bone
  • Caroline Branson
  • Jim Brown
  • Sarah Brown
  • Elijah Browning
  • Robert Southey Burke
  • John Horace Burleson
  • Roy Butler
  • Flossie Cabanis
  • John Cabanis
  • Granville Calhoun
  • Henry C. Calhoun
  • Calvin Campbell
  • Jeremy Carlisle
  • Eugene Carman
  • Columbus Cheney
  • Ida Chicken
  • Elizabeth Childers
  • John M. Church
  • Alfonso Churchill
  • Homer Clapp
  • Nellie Clark
  • Aner Clute
  • Seth Compton
  • Edith Conant
  • E.C. Culbertson
  • Robert Davidson
  • Silas Dement
  • Dippold the optician
  • Joseph Dixon
  • Batterton Dobyns
  • Frank Drummer
  • Hare Drummer
  • Enoch Dunlap
  • Shack Dye
  • Imanuel Ehrenhardt
  • Epilogue
  • State's attorney Fallas
  • Clarence Fawcett
  • Wallace Ferguson
  • Anthony Findlay
  • Willard Fluke
  • Searcy Foote
  • Webster Ford
  • Benjamin Fraser
  • Daisy Fraser
  • Charlie French
  • Ida Frickey
  • James Garber
  • Samuel Gardner
  • Amelia Garrick
  • Jacob Godbey
  • Le Roy Goldman
  • William Goode
  • Harry Carey Goodhue
  • Jacob Goodpasture
  • Magrady Graham
  • George Gray
  • Ami Green
  • Hamilton Greene
  • Griffy the cooper
  • Dorcas Gustine
  • Barney Hainsfeather
  • Carl Hamblin
  • Constance Hately
  • Aaron Hatfield
  • Elliott Hawkins
  • Jeduthan Hawley
  • Chase Henry
  • William H. Herndon
  • Roger Heston
  • Archibald Higbie
  • Doc Hill
  • The hill
  • Knowlt Hoheimer
  • Barry Holden
  • Sam Hookey
  • Jefferson Howard
  • Cassius Hueffer
  • Oscar Hummel
  • Lydia Humphrey
  • Scholfield Huxley
  • Lambert Hutchins
  • Ernest Hyde
  • Dr. Siegfried Iseman
  • Blind Jack
  • Godwin James
  • Plymouth Rock Joe
  • Voltaire Johnson
  • Fiddler Jones
  • Franklin Jones
  • "Indignation" Jones
  • Minerva Jones
  • William Jones
  • The circuit judge
  • Elmer Karr
  • Jonas Keene
  • Kinsey Keene
  • Bert Kessler
  • Mrs. Kessler
  • Captain Orlando Killion
  • Russell Kincaid
  • Lyman King
  • Nancy Knapp
  • Ippolit Konovaloff
  • Dow Kritt
  • Henry Layton
  • Judge Selah Lively.
  • Daniel M'Cumber
  • Rutherford McDowell
  • Widow McFarlane
  • Fletcher McGee
  • Ollie McGee
  • Jennie M'Grew
  • Mickey M'Grew
  • Jack McGuire
  • Mary McNeely
  • Paul McNeely
  • Washington McNeely
  • Father Malloy
  • Zilpha Marsh
  • The Town Marshal
  • Herbert Marshal
  • Serepta Mason
  • Faith Matheny
  • Davis Matlock
  • Lucinda Matlock
  • Abel Melveny
  • Mrs. Meritt
  • Tom Merritt
  • Willie Metcalf
  • Doctor Meyers
  • Mrs. Meyers
  • Hamlet Micure
  • J. Milton Miles
  • Julia Miller
  • Georgine Sand Miner
  • Alfred Moir
  • Professor Newcomber
  • Andy the NIght Wach
  • Isa Nutter
  • Mabel Osborne
  • John Hancock Otis
  • Benjamin Pantier
  • Mrs. Benjamin Pantier
  • Reuben Pantier
  • Rev. Abner Peet
  • Willie Pennington
  • Petit the Poet
  • Henry Phipps
  • Peleg Poague
  • Edmund Pollard
  • Cooney Potter
  • Lydia Puckett
  • Mrs. Purkapile
  • Roscoe Purkapile
  • Hod Putt
  • Mrs. George Reece
  • Ralph Phodes
  • Gustav Richter
  • Hortense Robbins
  • Rosie Roberts
  • Thomas Ross, Jr.
  • Russian Sonia
  • Anne Rutledge
  • Johnnie Sayre
  • Hiram Scates
  • Albert Schirding
  • Felix Schmidt
  • Schroeder the Fisherman
  • Julian Scott
  • Sexsmith the Dentist
  • Harlan Sewall
  • Percival Sharp
  • "Ace" Shaw
  • Percy Bushe Shelley
  • Tennessee Claflin Shope
  • Amos Sobley
  • Mrs. Sibley
  • Conrad Siever
  • Walter SImmons
  • Dillard Sissman
  • Margaret Fuller Slack
  • Louise Smth
  • Many Sodiers
  • Jonathan Swift Somers
  • Judge Somers
  • Emil Sparks
  • Lois Spears
  • The Spooniad
  • W. Lloyd Garrison Standard
  • Lillian Steward
  • Judson Stoddard
  • Robert Fulton Tanner
  • Dean Taylor
  • Theodore the Poet
  • English Thornton
  • Alexander Throckmorton
  • Eugenia Todd
  • Josiah Tompkins
  • Trainor the Druggist
  • Thomas Trevelyan
  • George Trimble
  • Henry Tripp
  • Hildrup Tubbs
  • Francis Turner
  • Oaks Tutt
  • The Unknown
  • John Wasson
  • Rebecca Wasson
  • Charles Webster
  • Adam Weirauch
  • "Butch" Weldy
  • Elsa Wertman
  • Editor Whedon
  • Harmon Whitney
  • Rev. Lemuel Wiley
  • Arlo Will
  • William and Emily
  • Dora Williams
  • Mrs. Williams
  • Harry Wilmans
  • Zenas Witt
  • Yee Bow
  • Perry Zoll.