Table of Contents:
  • Book one
  • Honoratus, abbot of the monastery at fondi
  • Libertinus, prior of that monastery
  • The gardener of the same monastery
  • Equitius, abbot in the province of Valeria
  • Constantius, sacristan of the Church of St. Stephen near Ancona
  • Marcellinus, Bishop of Ancona
  • Nonnosus, prior of the monastery of Mt. Soracte
  • Anastasius, abbot of the monastery of Suppentonia
  • Boniface, Bishop of Ferentino
  • Fortunatus, Bishop of Todi
  • The monk Martyrus of Valeria
  • Severus, priest of Valeria.
  • Book Two
  • The mending of a broken tray
  • The saint overcomes a temptation of the flesh
  • A glass pitcher is shattered by the sign of the cross
  • A monk is cured of wandering about during prayer
  • At the saint's word water streams down the mountainside
  • An iron blade is recovered from the water
  • One of Benedict's disciples walks on the water
  • A raven carries off a poisoned loaf of break
  • A heavy rock is lightened by the by the saints prayer
  • Benedicts disciples imagine the kitchen is on fire
  • A young monk is crushed under a wall and then restored to life
  • Some monks disobey the Rule by eating outside the monastery
  • Valentinian's brother is guilty of a similar offense
  • King Totila's trickery fails
  • The saint's prophecy about King Totila
  • A cleric is freed from an evil spirit
  • Benedict fortells the destruction of his monastery
  • The saint is aware in spirit that a flask of wine has been stolen
  • A monk accepts some hankerchiefs as a present
  • The man of God reads a young monk's proud thoughts
  • A generous supply of flour is discovered in front of the abbey during a famine
  • Two monks learn in a vision how they are to build their monastery
  • After death two nuns are free from excommunication through the saint's offertory gift
  • A young monk whose body could not rest in its grave
  • A dragon blocks a dissatisfied monk's departure from the abbey
  • the cure of a leper
  • The miraculous discovery of some money saves an unfortunante debtor
  • A glass vessel strikes against the rocks without breaking
  • An empty cask overflows with oil
  • A monk is freed from an evil spirit
  • A glance from the saint sets a captive free
  • A dead boy is raised to life
  • Scholastica's miracle
  • Benedict sees the soul of his sister on its way to heaven
  • The whole world gathered up before the saint's eyes, an he beholds the soul of the Bishop Germanus
  • The monastic rule he wrote
  • Benedict's disciples are forewarned of his death
  • A woman is cured of insanity by stopping at the sant's cave.
  • Book Three
  • Bishop Paulinus of Nola
  • Pope John
  • Pope Agapitus
  • Bishop Datius of Milan
  • Bishop Sanibus of Canosa
  • Bishop Cassius of Narni
  • Bishop Andrew of Fondi
  • Bishop Constantius of Aquino
  • Bishop Sabinus of Piacenza
  • Bishop Cerbonius of Populonia
  • Bishop Fulgentius of otricoli
  • Bishop Herculanus of Perugia
  • The servant of God Isaac
  • The servants of God Eutychius and Florentius
  • Martin, a monk of Mt. Massico
  • A monk of Mt. Argentarius
  • The monk Benedict
  • The Church of St. Zeno in Verona
  • Stephen, a priest of of Valeria
  • A young woman consecrated to God frees a man from the power of Satan by a simple command
  • A thief is held captive in a cemetary by the power of a saintly priest of Valeria who lies buried there
  • The abbot of Palestrina and his priest
  • Theodore, a sacristan of the Church of St. Peter the Apostle at Rome
  • Acontius, a sacristan of the same Church
  • Menas the hermit
  • Forty Italian peasants are slain by the Lombards for refusing to eat pagan sacrificial meats
  • Many captives are killed because they refuse to worship a goat's head
  • An Arian bishop is stricken with blindness
  • An Arian church in Rome is consecrated for Catholic worship
  • King Hermangild is put to death for the faith by his father Leuvigild, King of the Visigoths
  • Some bishops of Africa, who spoke in defense of the faith, have their tongues cut out by the Arian Vandals; yet their power of speech remains intact
  • The servant of God Eleutherius
  • The different types of compunction
  • Amantius, a priest of Tuscany
  • Bishop Maximillian of Syracuse
  • Sanctulus, a priest of Norcia
  • The vision of Redemptus, Bishop of Ferentino.
  • Book Four
  • The spiritual truths of eternity are not accepted by the worldly minded, because they have no experimental knowledge of the truths that were explained to them orally
  • Unbelievers do not live without faith
  • God created three kinds of living spirits
  • The problem raised by Solomon's words 'the lot of man and of beast is one lot'
  • The soul is invisible when it leaves the body; similarly, the life of the soul after death is recognized by its power of working miracles
  • Souls at their departure from life
  • The soul of Bishop Germanus of Capua makes its way to heaven
  • The soul of the monk Specious on its way to heaven
  • The soul of a recluse
  • The soul of the abbot Spes
  • The soul of the priest Ursinus
  • The soul of Probus, Bishop of Rieti
  • The death of God's handmaid Romula
  • The death of the holy virgin Tarsilla
  • The death of the little girl Musa
  • Heaven is closed to some children because their parents neglect to train them properly; the example of the boy who blasphemed
  • The death of the servant of God Stephen
  • The soul's merit is sometimes not shown at the time of death but manifested later
  • Abbot Valentio's two monks
  • The death of the abbot Suranus
  • The death of the deacon of the church of in Marsia
  • The death of the man of God who was sent to Samaria
  • Our belief that the souls of the just are admitted to heaven before they are reunited with the body
  • The manner in which the dying fortell the future; the death of the lawyer Cumquodeus; the visions of Gerontius and Mellitus; the death of the boy Armentarius who had recieved the gift of speaking various languages
  • The death of Count Theophane
  • Our belief that after death the souls of the just go to heaven and those of the unjust go to hell
  • on what grounds do we believe that a physical fire torments incorporeal spirits
  • The death of Arian King Theodoric
  • The death of Reparatus
  • The death of a city official and the burning of his grave
  • In eternity the good recognize the good and the wicked recognize the wicked
  • The dying monk who saw the Prophets
  • Sometimes souls that were unacquainted before recognize each other at the time of death because of their equality before God either in blame or merit; the death of John, Ursus, Eumorphius, and Stephen
  • Some persons are summoned to death by mistake; the summoning and recall of the monk Peter; Stephen's death and return to life; the soldier's vision
  • A dwelling is built for Deusdedit on Saturday
  • The punishment of Sodom
  • Some souls have a glimpse of eternal punishments even before they are separated from the body; the young man Theodore; the death of Chrysaorius and a monk of Isauria
  • After death, purgatory
  • The soul of the deacon Paschasius
  • Why it is that so many truths about souls become clear toward the end of the world whereas they were previously hidden from us
  • The location of hell
  • There is one type of fire in hell, not several
  • The souls confined to hell burn forever
  • The soul does not die even though punished with death
  • A saintly man is filled with dread at the hour of death
  • Strength to overcome the fear of death is given through revelations; The monks Anthony, Merulus, and John
  • The question of observing dreams; their types
  • A man promised a long life in a dream dies soon thereafter
  • The question of burial in church and its benefit to souls
  • A nun is burried in the Church of St. Lawrence the Martyr; half of her body is burned
  • The burial of the patrician Valerian
  • The body of Valentine is cast out of the church in which it was buried
  • The dyer's body disappears after being burried in church
  • The one efficacious means of obtaining absolution for souls after death; a poor soul begs the priest of Centum Cellae for help through the holy Sacrifice; the soul of the monk Justus
  • The life and death of Bishop Cassius
  • A prisoner is freed from chains while Mass is being offered for Him; the boatman Varaca is saved from shipwreck through the holy Sacrifice of the Mass
  • The power of the Mass and its mystery
  • True contrition of heart is required during the Sacrifice; the need of guarding against distracting thoughts after compunction
  • Forgive others their faults and yours will also be forgiven.