Table of Contents:
  • Law and sex in the ancient world
  • Sex and the law in Judaism and early Christianity
  • Sex and the law in the Christian Empire, from Constantine to Justinian
  • Law and sex in early medieval Europe, sixth to eleventh centuries
  • The era of church reform, intellectual revival, and urbanization: 1176-1140
  • Sex and marriage in the Decretum of Gratian
  • Sexual behavior and the early Decretists, from Paucapalea to Huguccio, 1140-1190
  • Marriage and sex in canon law, from Alexander III to the Liber Extra
  • Sex, marriage, and the legal commentators, 1234-1348
  • Sex, marriage, and the law from the Black Death to the Reformation, 1348-1517
  • Sex in the age of the Reformation: from the Ninety-Five Theses to Tametsi, 1517-1563
  • Medieval sex law and modern society: recapitulation, reflections, and conclusions.