Table of Contents:
  • Images of perfection / Maren-Sofie Rostvig
  • Donne's microcosm / Toshihiko Kawasaki
  • Donne's poetry of compliment: the speaker's stance and the topoi of praise / Barbara K. Lewalski
  • Language, noise, and nonsense: The alchemist / Ian Donaldson
  • Reasons that imply themselves: imagery, argument, and the reader in Milton's Reason of church government / Stanley Fish
  • Milton on Ramist similitude / Christopher Grose
  • Contra Hartman: possible and impossible structures of Miltonic imagery / Robert M. Adams
  • Marvell and the Ars Moriendi / Stanley Stewart
  • Dryden's Eikon Basilike: to Sir Godfrey Kneller / Earl Miner
  • The Beaux' strategem: image and action / Alan Roper
  • Some remarks on seventeenth-century imagery: definitions and caveats / Pierre Legouis.