A Big Jewish book : poems & other visions of the Jews from tribal times to present /

Brings together an unprecedented range of "poems" and other visions of the Jews from tribal times to present.

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Bibliographic Details
Other Authors: Rothenberg, Jerome, 1931-2024, Lenowitz, Harris, Doria, Charles
Format: Book
Published: Garden City, N.Y. : Anchor Press, 1978.
Edition:1st ed.
Table of Contents:
  • The ways : A book of powers : The first, the last : a poem of Ezra
  • From the greater hekhalot : a cosmic hymn
  • From Elya : door II / Edmond Jabès
  • From the great holy assembly : the names / Moses de Leon
  • From sefer Raziel : hymn
  • A poem for the sefirot as a wheel of light / Naftali Bacharach
  • 1st light poem / Jackson Mac Low
  • From Aether / Allen Ginsberg
  • A prologue to "the vision of the chariot"
  • The vision of the chariot / Ezekiel ben Buzi
  • From Shi'ur Koma : the measure of the body / Ishmael ben Elisha
  • Tablet V / Armand Schwerner
  • A prologue to "the book of concealment"
  • From the book of concealment : the forms/the faces
  • For the beard of the great face : a vision and a poem
  • A poem for the small face / Issac Luria
  • A poem for the Shekinah on the Feast of the Sabbath / Isaac Luria
  • There is a beautiful maiden who has no eyes who is the true messiah / Jack Hirschman
  • From lyrics for the bride of God : the kitchen / Nathaniel Tarn
  • From the revelation of Moses : a poem for the seventh heavens
  • From the apocalypse of Gorgorios : the temple
  • The primordial Torah as the cloak of God / Solomon ben Hayim Eliashu
  • From the greater hekhalot : the door keepers
  • Before the law / Franz Kafka
  • From the book of Enoch : visions of the sons of God
  • Angel / Tristan Tzara
  • From the book of the left pillar / Moses of Burgos
  • From hero/Lil / David Meltzer
  • The Sethians, per Hippolytos : the 3 of beginning : light, dark, spirit
  • From the crown of the kingdom / Solomon ibn Gabirol
  • A book of worlds : From the hidden sacred book of Moses called "eighth" or "holy"
  • From Elya : the disappearance / Edmond Jabès
  • The withdrawal, the exile / Joseph Gikatilla
  • The yod of creation / Simeon bar Yphai, per Moses de Leon
  • From livingdying / Cid Corman
  • A prologue to "the Torah of the void"
  • From the Torah of the void / Nachman of Bratzlav
  • Nothing / Joseph Gikatilla
  • From the vertical inscriptions / Shên Ch'üan, of Hua-t'ing
  • Fragment / Franz Kafka
  • From the book of formation : numbers
  • E / Albert Einstein
  • From glowing enigmas / Nelly Sachs
  • The mind of Genesis / David Slabotsky
  • Time / Harvey Shapiro
  • A prologue to Genesis
  • The ten words of creation (Samaritan)
  • Variations on Genesis
  • From the pirke de Rabbi Eliezer
  • The end / Allen Ginsberg
  • From the Joe 82 creation poems / Rochelle Ownes
  • A prologue to the elements of creation
  • Fire-poem : "& then an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a tongue of fire" / Yannai
  • Water-poem : A prayer & invocation to the prince of rain / Eleazar ha-Kallir
  • From the Hebrew book of Enoch : air-poem : these are the many winds that blow under the cherubs' wings
  • From the Domesday dictionary : Earth / Armand Schwerner
  • Double memory / Carol Bergé
  • Psalm 19 / David Rosenberg
  • From the book of mysteries : rites for the sun
  • The code of day & night
  • From talismans : star magic / Richard Grossinger
  • From the Zohar : moon / Moses de Leon
  • Three poems / Clarisse Nicoidski
  • From the black plague / David Antin
  • Poem with sky & earth / Samuel ha-Nagid
  • And with the book from Tarussa Menorah
  • From the great sentence : fire/tree / Simon Magus
  • The inner trees / Yvan Goll
  • A poem & a commentary on creation, destruction, preservation, etc. / Larry Eigner
  • A prologue to the works of Adam
  • From the fathers according to Rabbi Nathan
  • From the book Baruch : the garden / Justin the Gnostic
  • Green / Asa Benveniste
  • From the Naasene cosmology : the serpent
  • Serpent / Nathan of Gaza
  • From anatomy of a war / T. Carmi
  • The wind
  • two trees
  • men and women / Harris Lenowitz
  • The Iyyob translation from "A-15" / Louis Zukofsky
  • From the book of Job : whirlwind
  • The visions : A book of beards : From patriarchal poetry / Gertrude Stein
  • From the book of Genesis : begettings
  • The song of Lilith (that has no ending) / Rossana Ombres
  • From the Genesis apocryphon : the mystery
  • From the book of Enoch : the animal visions
  • From the Genesis apocryphon : after the flood
  • From bottom : on Shakespeare / Louis Zukofsky
  • From the book of formation : the father
  • From the Genesis apocryphon : of Sarah
  • From the book of Genesis : the offering
  • The sacrifice / Howard Schwartz
  • From the book of Genesis : Jacob & the angel
  • From the testaments of the 12 patriarchs : Joseph & the bull
  • Exodus / George Oppen
  • A prologue to the works of Moses
  • The birth of Moses / From Molad Mosheh
  • The image of speech at Sinai / Eleazar ben Judah of Worms
  • From the book of Exodus : song of the sea
  • A dialogue
  • the death of Moses
  • come-down
  • From the book of psalms : 12 for Yahveh
  • From the first book of Samuel : after the shamans
  • From Tohu : shaman / David Meltzer
  • From the Dead Sea psalms : David
  • The Davithea incantation
  • "If the prophets broke in" / Nelly Sachs
  • A vision in the voice of Yahveh / Amos the prophet
  • From the book of Daniel : night dreams
  • A dream service
  • Elijah & the priests of Baal : in a time of famine
  • From a poem about Ashera : how she goes to the bull god El to seek a house for Baal her son
  • In the mountain of the song that shows / Raquel Jodorowsky
  • From the alphabet of Ben Sira : the birth
  • A poem for the high priest, sung thereafter on the day of the Kippurim, as he was celebrated also in the wisdom of Ben Sira / Meshullam the Great ben Kalonymos
  • From travels of a latter-day Benjamin of Tudela / Yehuda Amichai
  • The children of the flowers of the priesthood : 4 poems with commentary for the temple / Jerome Rothenberg
  • From the acts of Saint John : the round dance of Jesus
  • From prologue in six parts / Armand Schwerner
  • From the Babylonian Talmud : Torah on Earth
  • A poem for Bar Yohai
  • From the Babylonian Talmud : beauty that withers
  • The great lament
  • A book of the wars of Yahveh : From I am the babe of Joseph Stalin's daughter / Rochelle Ownes
  • Palestine under the Romans / Charles Rezenikoff
  • A poem for the masters / Abba Yose ben Hananiah
  • From apocalypse : the woman / School of John the Baptist
  • The prophecy of Jesus ben Hananiah / Jesus ben Hananiah
  • From Toldot Yeshu : the magician
  • Corpus Christi play / Lenny Bruce
  • The story of Simon & Helen / Simon Magus, per Irenaeus
  • A spell for a blaspheming woman
  • From Jerusalem the golden / Charles Reznikoff
  • A Karaite dirge for the fall of Jerusalem
  • The withdrawal of the Shekinah from her home in the temple / Yehuda ben Idi
  • A song of the mourners of Zion
  • From the Shule of Jehovah / Arlene Stone
  • From the war of the sons of light against the sons of darkness
  • A letter & a dirge to mark the ending of the Second Roman War / Simeon Bar Kokhba
  • A curse & angry poem against the nations
  • From Midrash of the absent : messiah / Moses de Leon
  • "A great music" / Piyut
  • From Jehuda Halevi's songs to Zion / Judah ha-Levi, per Charles Reznikoff
  • How he went as messiah in the name of Angel Raziel to confront the pope / Abraham Abulafia
  • The Muslim : a dream / Hayim Vital
  • The rainbow calendar of Isaac Luria
  • "1648" : for Cossacks
  • From the vision of Rabbi Abraham : the birth and circumstances of the messiah Sabbatai Zevi
  • From Satan in Goray : the faithful / Isaac Bashevis Singer
  • 4 poems for Sabbatai Zevi the true messiah as drawn from hymns sung by his faithful followers after his conversion to Islam for the greater glory fo the God of Israel
  • The song of the sexton
  • From the Golem wheel / David Meltzer
  • From the book of the sayings of the Lord / Jacob Frank
  • From drypoints of the Hasidim : the Baal Shem / F.T. Prince
  • Rabbi Nachman's dream / Howard Schwartz
  • The illustrious ancestors / Denise Levertov
  • Five for the Rebbe
  • The cemetary at Kozin / Isaac Babel
  • Poor people / Rajzel Zychlinska
  • Two poems / Peretz Markish
  • Zaritsky's children & other poems for the rich
  • The voluminous agony of Karl Marx / Rochelle Owens
  • A lullaby for tsars / Sholem Aleichem
  • From Ginivishov, Poland
  • 1885 : memory map / Harry Lieberman & Roger Welch
  • From the East Village 1970-1971 / Richard Kostelanetz
  • From "A-12" / Louis Zukofsky
  • Bowery motifs / Aleph Katz
  • From the last words of Dutch Schultz / Arthur "Dutch Schultz" Flegenheimer
  • The Murder, Inc. sutra / Jerome Rothenberg
  • Poem / Osip Mandelstam
  • From the flea of Sodom / Edward Dahlberg
  • Good night, world / Jacob Glatstein
  • A death fugue / Paul Celan
  • From God in Europe / Uri Zvi Greenberg
  • The stranger / David Ignatow
  • From El Topo : the death of the fourth master / Alexander Jodorowsky
  • From liner notes to Highway 61 revisited / Bob Dylan
  • National thoughts / Yehuda Amichai
  • Jaweh and Allah battle / Allen Ginsberg
  • From the conspiracy / Edouard Roditi
  • Semite / George Oppen
  • A book of extensions : From the book of the letter / Abraham Abulafia
  • From the hidden sacred book of Moses called "eighth" or "holy" vowel poem
  • A performance from "the secret book of Moses on the great name"
  • The young girl's tears : a closed poem / Isidore Isou
  • From the Hebrew book of Enoch
  • From life of the world to come : the permutations / Abraham Abulafia
  • From the garden of the pomegranates : the unity of God / Moses Cordovero
  • Amulet on the Tetragrammation
  • Concrete poem : "YHVH Great God"
  • From le coeur à Gaz / Tristan Tzara
  • Composition around the ineffable name / Moses Cordovero
  • Name event one
  • Name event two
  • Name event three
  • From life of the world to come : circles / Abraham Abulafia
  • From on the Hebrew letters : exile / Jack Hirschman
  • From image of the wall / Wallace Berman
  • From clairvoyant journal : the initiation / Hannah Weiner
  • The Masora calligrams
  • A prayer for the king
  • Calligram / Tristan Tzara
  • The scroll of Esther as a bear / Hirsch Ilya Schlimowitz
  • Celestial alphabet event / Jacques Gaffarel
  • The 10 sefirot as a labyrinth of letters / Moses Cordovero
  • The numbers / Maria Hebrea
  • A talisman for Venus
  • A number blessing / Charlie Morrow
  • A poem with numbers for the dead
  • The counting made the corners right / Rose Drachler
  • 25 gematria
  • Additional meanings : 46=chaos
  • Apple-Lilith night / Charles Stein
  • Variations on a Hebrew amulet
  • Kaddish Gatha / Jackson Mac Low
  • Zohar event : a simultaneity for 10 or more readers
  • From the Havdala of Rabbi Akiba
  • From an amulet against the evil eye
  •, the 2nd biblical poem / Jackson Mac Low
  • An epitaph
  • From the Babylonian Talmud : the signs
  • Chance composition no.1
  • Chance composition no.2
  • From mannifesto on feeble & bitter love / Tristan Tzara
  • From the Mishnah : clean & unclean
  • From an elucidation / Gertrude Stein
  • A poem of the measures / Ishmael ben Elisha
  • From meditations / David Antin
  • Sounding events
  • Word events
  • Golem meditation events
  • Sound event : the silent orchestra
  • Allan Kaprow : words : an environment
  • Body work
  • Lemon event
  • Poor man music (1966)
  • Rain event one
  • Rain event two
  • Women's fertility events
  • Bread event
  • The living theatre, per Judith Malina & Julian Beck : Paradise now : the chart
  • Tree spirit events
  • Vision event / Nachman of Bratzlav
  • A scenario for midnight
  • A book of writings : 1 : The Gezar calendar
  • YHVH's battle with the serpent The song of Deborah
  • From the song of songs
  • Psalm 137
  • From the elephantine fragments
  • Ezekielos : Eisagoge, or the tragedy of Moses
  • From the Sibylline oracles
  • The maiden
  • 2 : An incantation bowl against the powers
  • A calendar : the year of the messiah / Eleazar ha-Kallir
  • The "who?" of Ibn Abitur of Cordoba / Yosef ibn Abitur
  • Three love poems / Samuel ha-Nagid
  • War poem : when we conquered their land destroyed the fortresses & towers subjugated villages & towns & overwhelmed the capital with violence / Samuel ha-Nagid
  • The 16-year-old poet / Solomon ibn Gabirol
  • Constellations / Solomon ibn Gabirol
  • Two poems / Moses ibn Ezra, per Carl Rakosi
  • The garden / Judah ha-Levi
  • "I have a garment" / Abraham ibn Ezra
  • Proensa / Isaac ben Abraham Gorni
  • Italian sonnet / Immanuel ben Solomon of Rome
  • From stone of choice / Kalonymos ben Kalonymos
  • The castle / Maulana Sahin
  • "Children of the times" / Israel ben Moses Najara
  • 3 : A charm against Lilith (Hebrew)
  • The evil eye (the good eye) Einehore (Yiddish)
  • A poem to ease childbirth (German)
  • A Sabbatean amulet against all evils (Hebrew)
  • Sabbatai Zevi's song for the Shekinah our lady of the Torah (Ladino)
  • Children's rain songs (Judeo-Arabic)
  • Bride's song against demons (Arabic)
  • Young woman's Neo-Aramaic Jewish Persian blues (Neo-Aramaic)
  • Lullaby a story (Yiddish)
  • The thief's play (Yiddish)
  • "O night lights of Jew Town" : a song of the Hara
  • From the adventures of the Jew (Judeo-Aramaic)
  • 4 : Morphine / heinrich Heine
  • From the dream-work / Sigmund Freud
  • From a sonatina followed by another / Gertrude Stein
  • Prose poem : 1914 / Max Jacob
  • Fragment / Franz Kafka
  • The Charlie Chaplin poem / Osip Mandelstam
  • Two poems / Charles Reznikoff
  • Cadenza & what we can learn from his death / Jacob Glatstein
  • Tristan Tzara / Tristan Tzara
  • Her face the book of
  • love delights in
  • praises / Louis Zukofsky
  • From the book of questions / Edmond Jabès
  • From lyrics for the bride of God : sparagmos / Nathaniel Tarn
  • Paper knights / Moshe Sartel
  • Zurich, zum Storchen
  • A note on transliteration
  • Sources, & c.