Strike back. Cinemax season two

"Michael Stonebridge ... , Damien Scott ... , and new boss Rachel Dalton ... scour Africa in pursuit of a fresh covey of criminals each vying for possession of valuable nuclear triggers that could launch Armageddon if they fall in the wrong hands"--Container.

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Ryan, Chris, 1961- (Creator)
Corporate Authors: Cinemax (Firm), HBO Home Entertainment (Firm), Warner Home Video (Firm)
Other Authors: Hopkins, Trevor (Producer), Casey, Michael (Producer), Winchester, Philip, 1981- (Actor), Mitra, Rhona, 1976- (Actor), Stapleton, Sullivan (Actor)
Format: DVD
Published: [United States] : Burbank, CA : HBO Home Entertainment ; distributed by Warner Home Video, [2013]
Search Result 1

Strike back. Cinemax season two by Ryan, Chris, 1961-

[United States] : Burbank, CA : HBO Home Entertainment ; distributed by Warner Home Video, 2013
Format: Video

Search Result 2

Strike back. Cinemax season two by Ryan, Chris, 1961-

[United States] : Burbank, CA : HBO Home Entertainment ; distributed by Warner Home Video, 2013
Widescreen version.
Format: Video

Search Result 3

Strike back. Cinemax season two by Ryan, Chris, 1961-

[United States] : Burbank, CA : HBO Home Entertainment ; distributed by Warner Home Video, 2013
Format: DVD

Search Result 4

Strike back : Cinemax season two by Ryan, Chris, 1961-

New York : HBO Home Entertainment, 2013
Widescreen version
Format: DVD

Search Result 5

Strike back. Cinemax season two

[United States] : Burbank, CA : HBO Home Entertainment ; Distributed by Warner Home Video, 2011
Widescreen edition.
Format: Video