Table of Contents:
  • 1. Negation and Opposition in Classical Logic. 1.1. Negation and the Legacy of Aristotle. 1.2. The Paradox of Negative Judgment: Negation and Its Discontents. 1.3. Negation East and West
  • 2. Negation, Presupposition, and the Excluded Middle. 2.1. Future Contingents: The Sea Battle and Other Skirmishes. 2.2. Vacuous Singular Terms: From Socrates to the King of France. 2.3. Category Mistakes: The Significance of Insignificance. 2.4. External Negation in Presuppositional and Nonpresuppositional Logics: New Solutions for Ancient Dilemmas. 2.5. Conventional Implicature and Contradiction Negation
  • 3. Markedness and the Psychology of Negation. 3.1. Markedness and the Acquisition of Negation. 3.2. Markedness and the Processing of Negation. 3.3. Markedness and the Asymmetry Thesis
  • 4. Negation and Quantity. 4.1. Scalar Predication and Subcontrariety I. 4.2. Negation and the Three-Cornered Square. 4.3. All That Glitters: Universals and the Scope of Negation. 4.4. Scalar Predication and Subcontrariety II. 4.5. The Story of O: Quantity and Negative Incorporation
  • 5. The Pragmatics of Contra(dicto)ry Negation. 5.1. Affixal Negation. 5.2. Neg-raising and Contrariety. 5.3. Contrariety and Understatement: From Rhetoric to Rule
  • 6. Metalinguistic Negation. 6.1. On the "Ambiguity" of Negation. 6.2. Metalinguistic Negation and Pragmatic Ambiguity. 6.3. Metalinguistic Negation and Conversational Implicature. 6.4. Three Diagnostics for Metalinguistic Negation. 6.5. Other Approaches to Metalinguistic Negation. 6.6. Metalinguistic Negation and Surface Structure
  • 7. Negative Form and Negative Function. 7.1. Varieties of Negative Experience: A Typology of Descriptive Negation. 7.2. Aristotle as a Montague Grammarian: Negation in Extended Term Logic. 7.3. Scope, Presupposition, and the Grammar of Negation. App. 1. On LEM and the Purported Incoherence of Multivalued Logic
  • App. 2. Inherent Negation Revisited.