Table of Contents:
  • Preface: "This Book Told Me More About Penguins Than I Wanted to Know"
  • Introduction. Advancing Rapidly to Wealth and Greatness. Orang Asli in the Malayan Ethnic Mosaic. Claims to Indigenous Status
  • Orang Asli Before Development. Batek: Forager-Traders of the Lowland Rainforest (1975-1976). East Semai: Upland Swidden Farmers (1962). West Semai: Trader-horticulturists of the Foothills (1963-1993). Temuan: Lowland Rice Farmers and Traders (1978)
  • Government Intervention. A History of Orang Asli Relations with the Outside World. The Legal Position of the Orang Asli Today. The Government's Goal for Orang Asli
  • Development, Destruction, and Encroachment. The Impact of Orang Asli on the Environment. Malaysian Views of Development. Malaysian Development in Practice. Effects of Development on Orang Asli
  • Regroupment and Islamization. Regroupment. Islamization Program
  • The Future of the Orang Asli. Who Speaks for the Orang Asli? Orang Asli Aspirations.