Table of Contents:
  • Song from the myth "Kukumat became sick" (Quechan)
  • General introduction
  • Making texts, reading translations
  • pt. I. Selections
  • "Creation songs" (Cupeño)
  • 1. Kwaw labors to form a world (Atsugewi, 1996)
  • Northwestern California
  • Doctor dance song (Yurok)
  • 2. Test-ch'as (The tidal wave) (Tolowa, 1985)
  • 3. "The young man from Serper" and other stories (Yurok, 1951, 1985-1988)
  • 4. Coyote and Old Woman Bullhead (Karuk, circa 1930)
  • 5. The devil who died laughing (Karuk, 1950)
  • 6. "The boy who grew up at Ta'k'imiłding" and other stories (Hupa, 1963-1964)
  • 7. The Bear Girl (Chimariko, 1921)
  • North-Central California
  • Spell said by a girl desirous of getting a husband (Northern Yana)
  • 8. How my father found the deer (Achumawi, 1970)
  • 9. Naponoha (Cocoon Man) (Atsugewi, 1931)
  • 10. A story of lizard (Yahi, 1915)
  • 11. A selection of Wintu songs (Wintu, 1929-1931)
  • 12. Loon woman : He-who-is-made-beautiful, She-who-becomes-loon (Wintu, 1929)
  • 13. Four songs from Grace McKibbin (Wintu, circa 1982)
  • 14. How I became a dreamer (Nomlaki, 1935)
  • 15. Mad bat (Maidu, circa 1902)
  • 16. Creation (Eastern Pomo, 1930)
  • 17. The trials of Young Hawk (Southern Pomo, 1940)
  • 18. The woman who loved a snake (Cache Creek Pomo, 1988)
  • 19. The dead people's home (Lake Miwok, 1980)
  • South-Central California
  • Excerpt from "The Čiq'neq'š myth" (Ventureño Chumash)
  • 20. Two stories from the Central Valley
  • "Visit to the land of the dead" (Chawchila Yokuts, 1931)
  • "Condor steals falcon's wife" (Yowlumni Yokuts, 1930)
  • 21. The contest between men and women (Tübatulabal, circa 1932)
  • 22. The Dog Girl (Ineseño Chumash, 1913)
  • Southern California
  • Excerpt from an account of "The soul" (Quechan)
  • 23. The creation (Serrano, 1963)
  • 24. A harvest of songs from Villiana Calac Hyde (Luiseño, 1988-1992)
  • 25. From "The life of Hawk Feather" : the bear episodes (Cupeño, 1962, 1920)
  • 26. In the desert with Hipahipa (Mojave, 1902)
  • 27. An account of origins (Quechan (Yuma), 1908)
  • pt. II. Essays on Native California languages and oral literatures
  • "When I have donned my crest of stars" (Kiliwa)
  • A brief history of collection
  • "Women's brush dance song" (Luiseño)
  • Notes on Native California oral literatures
  • Funeral speech (Quechan)
  • Notes on Native California languages.