Table of Contents:
  • Part I: A novelty spawns small businesses, 1894-1908
  • The machine / A.R. Fulton
  • The history of the kinetoscope / Gordon Hendricks
  • "No magic, no mystery, no sleight of hand" / George Pratt
  • Nickelodeon theaters 1905-1914: building an audience for the movies / Russell Merritt
  • Close-ups / Norma Talmadge
  • Part II: Struggles for control, 1908-1930
  • The decay of the Motion Picture Patents Company / Jeanne Thomas Allen
  • Stars in business: the founding of United Artists / Tino Balio
  • The business of motion pictures / Carl Laemmle
  • The motion picture industry as a basis for bond financing / Halsey, Stuart & Co.
  • The coming of the talkies: invention, innovation, and diffusion / J. Douglas Gomery
  • Part III: A Mature Oligopoly, 1930-1948
  • The motion picture industry today / Mae D. Huettig
  • Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer / Fortune
  • Loew's, Inc. / Fortune
  • The Hays office / Fortune
  • Part IV: Retrenchment, Reappraisal, and Reorganization, 1948-
  • United States versus Hollywood: the case study of an antitrust suit / Ernest Borneman
  • The comeback of the movies / Freeman Lincoln
  • Hollywood's international market / Thomas H. Guback
  • The mass hearings / John Cogley
  • Censorship: from The miracle to Deep throat / Richard S. Randall
  • Why the movie majors are major / David Gordon.