Table of Contents:
  • Part 1 : Introduction to the musics of the region. Hearing the music of the Middle East / Stephen Blum
  • History of scholarship : narratives of Middle Eastern music history / Virginia Danielson and A;examder J. Fisher
  • Part 2 : Understanding the musics of the Middle East : issues and processes
  • Section 1 : Theory, composition, and performance
  • The Eastern Arab system of melodic modes in theory and practice : a case study of Maqām Bayyātī ; Music in performance : 'Ūd lessons with George Michel / Scott Marcus
  • Contemporary Turkish Makam practice / Karl Signell
  • The concept of mode in Iranian music : Shūr / Margaret Caton
  • Aspects of Turkish folk music theory / Irene Markoff
  • Rhythmic modes in Middle Eastern music / Scott Marcus
  • Rhythmic structure and drum improvisation in Yemen / Jürgen Elsner
  • Music in performance : who are the whirling dervishes? ; Ottoman Turkish music : genre and form / Walter Feldman
  • Performance practice in Iran : Radīf and improvisation / Margaret Caton
  • Section 2 : Music in religious expression
  • Snapshot : Shaykh Yāsīn al-Tuhāmī in the public Ḥaḍra : a typical Layla performance / Michael Frishkopf
  • The Muslim call to prayer / Scott Marcus
  • The Qurʼān recited / Kristina Nelson Davies
  • Islamic hymnody in Egypt : Al-Inshād al-Dīnī / Michael Frishkopf
  • The symbolic universe of music in Islamic societies / Jean During
  • Manifestations of the word : poetry and song in Turkish Sufism / Walter Feldman
  • Music in the religious experience of Israeli Jews / Edwin Seroussi
  • Maronite music / Louis Hage
  • The Coptic Orthodox Church and its music / Martha Roy
  • Syriac religious music / Simon Jargy.
  • Section 3 : Popular music and the media
  • The impact of the media on Egyptian music / Walter Armbrust
  • Music in performance : Cem Karaca, live ; Turkish rock and pop music / Martin Stokes
  • Arabesk / Nedim Karakayali
  • Israeli Mediterranean music / Amy Horowitz
  • Rai / Bezza Mazouzi
  • Berber popular music / Jane Goodman
  • The popular music of Arab Detroit / Anne Rasmussen
  • Section 4 : Gender and music
  • Sallāma al-Qass ; Historical issues of gender and music / Suzanne Meyers Sawa
  • Contemporary issues of gender and music / Miriam Rovsing Olsen
  • Section 5 : Learning and transmission
  • The Iraqi Maqām and its transmission / Scheherazade Qassim Hassan
  • Music in performance : a rehearsal with Firqat al-Mūsīqā al-ʻArabiyya / Scott Marcus
  • Institutionalization of learning in Egypt / Salwa El-Shawan Castelo-Branco
  • The use of Western notation in Tunisian art music / Ruth Davis
  • Learning epic traditions / Dwight F. Reynolds
  • Section 6 : Historical roots
  • The Kitāb al-Aghānī / George Sawa
  • Music in ancient Arabia from archaeological and written sources / Christian Poché
  • Arabic writings on music : eighth to nineteenth centuries / Eckhard Neubauer
  • Theories of rhythm and meter in the medieval Middle East ; Classification of musical instruments in the medieval Middle East / George Sawa
  • Musical instruments in the Arab world / Scheherazade Qassim Hassan.
  • Part 3 : Music cultures and regions
  • North Africa : the Maghrib. North Africa : overview / L. JaFran Jones ; The Andalusian musical heritage / Mahmoud Guettat ; Andalusian Nūba in Morocco / Habib Hassan Touma ; Urban music of Algeria / Jürgen Elsner ; Music in performance : a wedding in the Atlas Mountains ; Berber musics in Morocco / Mirian Rovsing Olsen ; Music in performance : Following the entranced ones : Gnāwa performance and trance in Rabat, Morocco / Deborah Kapchan ; Malḥūn : colloquial song in Morocco / Philip D. Schuyler ; Baron Rodolphe d'Erlanger / Ruth Davis ; Patronage and policy in Tunisian art music / Ruth Davis ; The ʻĪsāwiyya of Tunis / L. JaFran Jones ; Music of the Jews of Djerba, Tunisia / Ruth Davis
  • The Eastern Arab world : the Mashriq. Overview of music in the Mashriq / Ali Jihad Racy ; Performance of Arab music in twentieth-century egypt : reconciling authenticity and contemporaneity / Salwa El-Shawan Castelo-Branco ; Snapshot : Ṣabāḥ Fakhrī / Ali Jihad Racy ; Musical life in Aleppo, Syria / Christian Poché ; The Palestinian groom's wedding eve celebration / Nadia Yaqub ; Palestinian wedding songs / Ḍirghām Ḥ. Sbait ; Snapshot : Munir Bashir / Christian Poché ; Stardom in Egyptian music : four case studies / Virginia Danielson ; Snapshot : Opening night for a star performer : Umm Kulthūm and Intá ʻUmrī / Virginia Danielson ; Western Music, colonialism, cosmopolitanism, and modernity in Egypt / Salwa El-Shawan Castelo-Branco ; The performers of Muhammad ʻAlī Street In Cairo, Egypt / Karin van Nieuwkerk ; Dance in Egypt / Magda Saleh ; Popular music of the Intifāḍa / Anne Marie Oliver and Paul Steinberg ; Nubian music in Cairo / Ted Swedenburg
  • The Arabian peninsula. The Arabian peninsula : an overview / Jean Lambert ; Sung Poetry in the Arabian peninsula / Simon Jargy ; Musical Life in Sohar, Oman / Dieter Christensen ; Al-ghināʼ al-Ṣan ʻānī : poetry and music in Ṣan ʻāʼ, Yemen / Jean Lambert ; Music in performance : a Saudi women's wedding party / Kay Hardy Campbell ; Women's music of the Arabian peninsula / Kay Hardy Campbell ; Dance in the Arabian peninsula / Najwa Adra ; Music making among western expatriates in the Arabian peninsula / Ruth M Stone
  • Armenia. Music of Armenia / Manuk Manukian
  • Kurdistan. Kurdistan / Dieter Christensen.
  • Part 3 : Music cultures and regions
  • Turkey. Snapshot : Tanburī Cemīl Bey / John Morgan O'Connell ; Turkey : an overview / Ursula Reinhard ; Snapshot : Ismail Dede Efendi / Walter Feldman ; From empire to republic : vocal style in twentieth-century Turkey / John Morgan O'Connell ; Snapshot : Arif Sağ : Alevi Bağlama teacher and performer par excellence / Irene Markoff ; Alevi identity and expressive culture / Irene Markoff ; Turkish song duel / Yîldîray Erdener ; Dance and identity in Turkey / Arzu Öztürkmen
  • Iran. An introduction / Stephen Blum ; Snapshot : ʻAli Āqā Almājoqī : the life of a Khorasani Bakhshi / Ameneh Youssefzadeh ; The Aṣiq and his music in northwest Iran (Azerbaijan) / Charlotte E Albright ; Tradition and history : the case of Iran / Jean During ; A new approach to the theory of Persian art music : the Radīf and the modal system / Dariush Talai ; Dance in Iran / Anthony Shay ; Music, trance, and therapy in Baluchistan / Jean During
  • Central Asia. Overview / Theodore Levin ; Snapshot : Abdurahim Hamidov : an eminent contemporary master / Jean During ; The classical music of Uzbeks and Tajiks / Theodore Levin and Razia Sultanova ; Music of Azerbaijan / Tamila Djani-Zade ; Sacred music and chant in Islamic central Asia / Alexander Djumaev ; Kazakh music / Alma Kunanbaeva ; Music of Turkmenistan / Slawomira Żerańska-Kominek ; Music in Tuva / Theodore Levin ; When Uygurs entertain themselves / Sabine Trebinjac ; Muqam in the Tradition of the Uygurs / Anna Czekanowska
  • Israel. Overview / Edwin Seroussi ; Musical life and institutions in Israel : 1880-1990 / Jehoash Hirschberg ; Snapshot : Mizrahi Music in Israel : Zohar Argov and Zahava Ben sing Peraḥ be-gani / Amy Horowitz ; Music of the Maghribi Jews in North Africa and Israel / Edwin Seroussi ; Liturgical Music of the Yemenite Jews in Israel / Uri Sharvit ; Music scholarship in Israel / Amnon Shiloah ; Popular music in Israel / Gila Elam.
  • Audio CD contents. Eastern Arab art music: taqāsīm (solo improvisation) in maqām bayyātī and Samāʻī Bayyātī al-ʻAryān (excerpt) (3:51)
  • Turkish Mevlevi taksim (solo improvisation) in makam beyati (excerpt) (2:47)
  • Turkish classical taksim (solo improvisation), in makam beyati (3:37)
  • Classical Persian dastgāh-e shūr (3:48)
  • Yemeni drumming from the Ḥaḍramawt: Īqāʻ al-Rubu̇̄ṭ (1:25)
  • Yemeni highland drumming: Ḍarbat Sayyārī (0:33)
  • Yemeni drumming from the Ḥaḍramawt: Īqāʻ al-Istimāʻ (1:20)
  • Yemeni drumming from the Tihāma: Raqṣat al-Mansarī (1:04)
  • Islamic vocal music: Inshād in the public ḥaḍra (2:39)
  • Islamic vocal music: Ibtihālāt (1:09)
  • Jewish cantillation: Bereshit bara 'In the beginning', Genesis 1:1-5 (1:01)
  • Eastern Christian chant (2:53)
  • Berber women's wedding song from the Anti-Atlas (1:21)
  • Berber wedding song, aḥwash, from the Anti-Atlas (2:27)
  • Berber warrior dance, taskiwin, from the High Atlas (1:36)
  • Palestinian folk song, dalʻonā (1:42)
  • Palestinian line dance, saḥjih (0:50)
  • Palestinian shaving song, zaffih (0:42)
  • Qurba 'bagpipe' dance at a wedding in Oman (2:18)
  • Yemeni vocal music with lute accompaniment (3:06)
  • Yemeni vocal music with copper-plate percussion (excerpt) (2:15)
  • Saudi women's wedding song, Bāʻūnī (3:20)
  • Kurdish epic song, Hasu (1:52)
  • Kurdish dance songs: Ax lê Nurê, Henokê gerowwêre, Xwasîme (2:32)
  • Turkish Alevī song with bağlama accompaniment: Haydar, Haydar ("I wandered around for fourteen thousand years in the guise of a moth") (2:55)
  • Gharībī, lyric song of Khorasan province, Iran (2:21)
  • Persian narrative song, Sayyed Moḥammad Khān (0:55)
  • Persian classical music: Masnavi in the Dastgāh of māhur (3:28)
  • Kazakh epic song, zhyr (2:04)
  • Uzbek classical song, Sarabaxi Ōrōm-i Jōn 'Peace of the soul' (3:55)
  • Uzbek classical instrumental dance piece, Oynasin Dugah (2:32)
  • Moroccan Jewish song, Shokhant bassadeh 'She that dwelleth in the field' (1:35)
  • Moroccan Jewish wedding songs, Y fuerame a bañar 'I went to bathe' (1:59)
  • Jewish-Yemenite priests' blessing (2:05)
  • Jewish-Yemenite liturgical song, The song of the sea (1:35).