Table of Contents:
  • 1. Bibilical Interpretations of Job
  • 1. The defense of God the sage, Norman C. Habel
  • 2. The God of Job: Avenger, Tyrant., or Victor? Tryggve N.D. Mettinger
  • 3. The problem of Evil in the book of Job, Edwin M. Good
  • 4. Wounded Hero on a Shaman's Quest: Job in the Context of folk literature, Carole R. Fontaine
  • 5. The book of Job and Inner-biblical Discourse, Michael Fishbane
  • II. History of the Interpretation of Job
  • 6. Rabbinic Interpretations of Job, Judith R. Baskin
  • 7. Providence in Medieval Aristotelianism Moses Maimonides and Thomas Aquinas on the Book of Job Martin D. Yaffe
  • 8. Why do the wicked live? Job and David in Calvin's Sermons on Job, Susan E. Schreiner
  • 9. Job and His friends in the modern world: Kafka's the trial Stuart Lasine
  • III Themes from Job in Contemporary Theological Reflection
  • 10. Power, Order, Justice, and Redemption: Theological Comments on Job, Langdon Gilkey
  • 11. A response to the Book of Job, James M, Gustafson
  • 12. Job as a failed Scapegoat, Rene Girard
  • Job and the God of Victims, James G. Williams.