Table of Contents:
  • Socrates' blind spots / Maja Pellikaan-Engel
  • Zur ungedachten Dialektik von Eros und Logos / Brigitte Weisshaupt
  • Die Dienende Funktion von Anschauung in der Erkenntnistheorie und ihre Überwindung / Manon Andreas-Grisebach
  • The picture of rationality / Joan Gibson
  • Towards a feminist analysis of patriarchal logic / Renée José Dalitz
  • Ausnahmen und Umstürze / Margit Hauser
  • Reading philosophy as a woman / Nancy Tuana
  • When "He or She" won't do / Paulien Kleingeld
  • Dr. Gerda Walther, German feminist philosopher / Linda Lopez McAlister
  • Aspekte einer Phänomenologie des Sozialen bei Edith Stein / Theresa Wobbe
  • Hannah Arendt / Tuija Parvikko
  • Ingeborg Bachmann's thoug[h]t and writing / Ilse N. Bulhof
  • Patriarchal thinking in economic theory and its cultural/psychological component / Gisela Schade
  • Some reflections on the feminist research paradigm concerning gender and science / Nicolina M. Sretenova
  • Zum Konzept von Erwägungsforschungen für nicht-patriarchale Wissenschaften / Bettina Blanck.
  • Formale Logik und feministische Kritik / Käthe Trettin
  • The ambiguous relationship between feminism and postmodernism / Louise D. Derksen
  • Must a feminist be a relativist after all? / Lorraine Code
  • Feminist critique of patriarchy / Žarana Papić
  • Universalismus versus Relativismus/Partikularismus? / Andrea Maihofer
  • Feminist ethics / Herta Nagl-Docekal
  • Sexual difference and negativity / Annemie J.M. Halsema
  • A futile controversy, postmodernism and feminism / Angela Grooten
  • Women, bodies and consent / Margrit Shildrick
  • Le immatériaux / Somer Brodribb
  • Widersprüche und Orientierungen / Margarete Maurer
  • Todbringende Weiblichkeit
  • prokreative Männlichkeit / Ingvild Birkhan
  • Engineering the "perfect child" / Joan Rothschild
  • The issue of responsibility in Margaret Atwood's "The Handmaid's Tale" / Lies Wesseling & José van Dijck
  • Reflections on an anti-patriarchal declaration of women's human rights / Hannelore Schröder.
  • Sexual exploitation / Kathleen Barry
  • Human rights for women / Hieke Snijders-Borst
  • Just deserts and social goals in affirmative action and punishment / Jennifer Radden
  • Racism and the international women's movement / E. Kitch Childs
  • Die Philosophin und die Frauenbewegung / Alice Pechriggl
  • Women's liberation and the liberation of nature / Angelika Krebs
  • Patriarcy in Czechoslovakia in historical turns / Hana Havelková
  • Erfahrungen mit einem der Emanzipationskonzepte der Frau / Zuzana Kiczková
  • Women as ex-citizens in ex-Yugoslavia / Žarana Papić
  • Women's liberation and human rights in Egypt / Fawzia Assaad
  • Women's human rights today in some "Islamic" societies / Fatma Haddad-Chamakh
  • Glückserwartungen und Glücksenttäuschungen des weiblichen Subjekts / Charlotte Annerl.