Table of Contents:
  • RDA's
  • daily allowances / Helen J. Souders
  • Combining foods to your own best advantage / Mary M. Hill
  • Food for the family at different costs / Richard Kerr and Cynthia Cromwell
  • How much food should you buy? / Olive M. Batcher and Lois H. Fulton
  • Food cost tables to help stretch your dollars / Judy P. Chassy and Jennie B. Nichols
  • Can's and cant's for canners / Iola Pritchard
  • Cold facts about freezing / Marcile Allen and Mardel L. Crandall
  • USDA grades can help out food shoppers / Eleanor Ferris
  • Behind the label: federal food standards / Tom Bellis, Harry C. Mussman, and Charlene Olsson
  • Nutrient labeling and guidelines / H. Neal Dunning, Ogden C. Johnson, and J.C. deHoll
  • Organic, inorganic: what they mean / Ruth M. Leverton
  • How the shopper benefits from nutrition labeling / Betty Peterkin
  • Guides to buying
  • open dating and price per unit / Eileen F. Taylor
  • Food shopper language / W. Edmund Tyler, Joseph A. Rubis, and Edith A. Christensen
  • Always play it safe in food buying, handling, cooking / Sara Beck
  • Home improvements using concrete / Maurice L. Burgener
  • All about brick and the 10,000 ways it comes / G. William Detty
  • Concrete block
  • a wide choice for different jobs / Kevin D. Callahan
  • Framing lumber, board selection / Gerald F. Prange
  • Plywood for jobs around the home / Mary Ann Warwick and M.T. Fast
  • Panel products to chose from / Fred Werren
  • Airing the facts about ventilation / Theodore J. Brevik
  • Floor coverings
  • resilient, wood, tiles, and clay / Walter H. Hill
  • Your own pool to get in the swim / William P. Markert
  • Electrical wiring: homeowner tips / William H. Peterson
  • Picking the right types of pipe / E.B. Hale
  • Insulating to save energy in heating, cooling a home / Cecil D. Wheary
  • Selecting doors and windows / Fred W. Roth and Virginia L. Harding
  • Keeping a roof over your head / Jerry O. Newman
  • Exterior, interior wall materials / Kenneth S. Dash and Sarah F. Fountain
  • Adding carports, garages, storage / Anne Nickerson and Francis E. Gilman
  • Heating and cooling systems and fuels / Luther C. Godbey
  • Kitchen appliances, including freezers and range hoods / Jacqueline Anderson
  • Washers, dryers, related equipment / Jean K. Carlson
  • Imaginative ways with bathrooms / Alexander Kira and Julia M. Smyth
  • Cozy fireplaces, franklin stoves, other heaters / Vera E. Ellithorpe
  • Lighting fixtures and equipment / Sandra Westall Shank
  • How to avoid those tumble out closets / Glenda Pifer
  • Window treatments: curtains, shades, shuttes, drapes / Juania Weber
  • New furniture
  • getting value for your investment / Patsy Keller
  • Furnishing tips for your outdoor living areas / Anna Marie Gottschalk and Pat Bradshaw
  • A, B, C's of cleaning materials / Doris Myers
  • Tools you need for repair jobs / Glenn Barquest
  • Buying seeds
  • pellets, tapes, and blankets / Joseph E. Howland
  • Seedlings guide: grow your own or buy them / William H. Carlson
  • Buying and caring for cut flowers; arrangements / Lou Berninger
  • Potted plants to brighten your life / Rachel Snyder
  • Those fascinating cacti, and other succulent plants / Helen B. Fogg and John M. Fogg, Jr.
  • Tips on interior landscaping / Everett Conklin
  • Trees and shrubs for the landscape / Robert C. Mower
  • Rose is a rose, but roses come by the thousands / Eldon W. Lyle
  • Ground covers and the vines / W.E. Cunningham
  • Nursery stock
  • what to buy and what to expect / Ray Brush
  • Home gardening with small fruits / D.H. Scott
  • Apples, cherries, pears, plums and other tree fruits / R.F. Carlson
  • Subtropical fruits for warm climates or tub growing / Robert J. Knight, Jr.
  • Why and how of garden design / A.E. Bye and Armistead W. Browning
  • Botanic gardens and arboretums / Francis de Vos
  • When you move
  • do's and don'ts / Interstate Commerce Commission
  • Where you shop is as important as what you buy / Alan Cleveland
  • Steps to take when a purchase doesn't satisfy / Bette Clemens
  • Ways to shop the educational marketplace / Dave Darlend and Mary Heath
  • Federal-state food programs
  • a helping hand / Orval Kerchner
  • Toward a network of service for older Americans / Olivia W. Coulter
  • Shopping for credit can save you cash / Jeannette M. Lynch and Eleanor M. Kelly
  • Having appliances repaired for a minimum cost / Mary E. Purchase
  • Servicing your car without anguish / Bonnie Aikman
  • Putting your finger on green thumb garden helpers / Raymond P. Korbobo
  • Vacation planning, with tips for trips to save your gas / Roy W. Feuchter
  • From the horse's mouth
  • how not to ride for a fall / Larry L. Finks
  • Wheeling along with a bicycle / Albert Arnst
  • Backpacking gear: shoes and packs to sleeping bags / Edward B. Garvey
  • Keeping afloat with a boat / Karl Munson and Ralph Patterson
  • Basic equipment for fisherman / Thomas L. Kimball
  • Bring it all back alive
  • on film / Jim Hughes
  • Don't rush out for a ski outfit: make sure it's your snowflake / Bill Keil
  • Bow and arrow hunting gear / Tink Nathan.