Thinkers of social democracy : 49 portraits /

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Bibliographic Details
Other Authors: Krell, Christian (Editor), Patterson, James (Translator) (Translator)
Format: Book
Published: Bonn : Dietz, [2016]
Table of Contents:
  • Introduction / Christian Krell
  • Wolfgang Abendroth : Constitution and social democracy / Thilo Scholle
  • Viktor Agartz : wage policy and capitalism / Thilo Scholle
  • Otto Bauer and Austro-marxism / Thilo Scholle
  • August Bebel : Emperor of the workers / Helga Grebing
  • Eduard Bernstein : Reform orientation a the core of a modern social democracy / Thomas Meyer
  • Willy Brandt : freedom, democracy and socialism / Klaus Schönhoven
  • Hermann Cohen and the principle of cooperativeness / Thomas Meyer
  • Heinrich Deist : one of the fathers of the Godesberg Programme / Dietmar Petzina
  • Walter Dirks : left-wing Catholic and publicist / Norbert Bicher
  • Friedrich Ebert : first statesman of the labour movement / Walter Mühlhausen
  • Willi Eichler : father of the Godesberg Programme / Christian Krell
  • Friedrich Engels : (not only) Marx's friend, source of inspiration and voice / Christian Krell
  • Erhard Eppler : the power of language / Jochen Dahm
  • Fritz Erler : independent thinking as a prerequisite of good policy / Anja Kruke
  • Gert von Eynern : analyst of public duty / Volker Best
  • Peter Glotz : executive director and maverick in one person / Norbert Bicher
  • Herta Gotthelf : equality and socialism / Karin Gille-Linne
  • Hermann Heller and the social state based on the rule of law / Thilo Scholle
  • Rudolf Hilferding : centrist and analyst of capitalism / Michael Reschke
  • Jakob Kaiser : Christian socialism / Christian Krell
  • Karl Kautsky : democratic socialist / Thilo Scholle
  • Waldemar von Knoeringen and the discovery of the human in politics / Helga Grebing
  • Heinz Kühn : greater openness towards the Church, the FDP and immigrants / Volker Best
  • Ferdinand Lassalle : bonvivant und workers' tribune / Meik Woyke
  • Renate Lepsius : women' s issues as a vocation / Jochen Dahm
  • Wilhelm Liebknecht : revolutionary in word and deed / Michael Reschke
  • Richard Löwenthal : unconditional democrat in the age of globalisation / Gesine Schwan
  • Rosa Luxemburg and her conception of a socialist democracy / Helga Grebing
  • Karl Marx : founder of scientific socialism / Thomas Meyer
  • Franz Mehring : advocate and adversary of "bourgeois parliamentarianism" / Jürgen Schmidt
  • Susanne Miller : lifelong Nelsonian / Thomas Meyer
  • Fritz (Perez) Naphtali : democracy in the economy / Wolfgang Schroeder
  • Oswald von Nell-Breuning : Jesuit und bridgebuilder / Tobias Mörschel
  • Leonard Nelson : ethical socialism in word and deed / Christian Krell
  • Peter von Oertzen : keeping the SPD open to the Left / Helga Grebing
  • Gustav Radbruch : law must strive for justice / Jochen Dahm
  • Johannes Rau : "reconciliation not division" as motto and way of life / Anja Kruke
  • Hermann Scheer : atypical visionary and pioneer of the energy transition / Michael Reschke
  • Karl Schiller and SPD economic policy / Torben Lütjen
  • Carlo Schmid : father of the constitution and passionate European / Christian Krell
  • Kurt Schumacher : democratic socialism after the Second World War / Thilo Scholle
  • Elisabeth Seibert : democracy and equality / Karin Gille-Linne
  • Anna Siemsen : education and socialism / Thilo Scholle
  • Hugo Sinzheimer : creator of German labour law / Frank Decker
  • Jochen Steffen : SPD maverick / Siegfried Heimann
  • Fritz Sternberg : democratic socialist and early interpreter of globalisation / Helga Grebing
  • Paul Tillich : a religious socialist / Siegfried Heimann
  • Herbert Wehner : preparing the way for government responsibility / Renate Faerber-Husemann
  • Otto Wels : courageous parliamentarian against the Nazi regime / Meik Woyke.