Table of Contents:
  • In search of the Queen, by C.H. Williams.
  • William Cecil and Elizabethan public relations, by C. Read.
  • The making of the statute of artificers, by S.T. Bindoff.
  • Place and patronage in Elizabethan politics, by W.T. MacCaffery.
  • John Field and Elizabethan Puritanism, by P. Collinson.
  • The Elizabethan merchants of Exeter, by W.G. Hoskins.
  • Touching the Writ of Latitat: an act 'of no great moment', by M. Blatcher.
  • The Elizabethan Exchequer: war in the receipt, by G.R. Elton.
  • Mr. Myddleton, the merchant of Tower Street, by A.H. Dodd.
  • Foundations of Anglo-Scottish union, by G. Donaldson.
  • Ireland, Elizabeth I and the Counter-Reformation, by R. Dudley Edwards.
  • Elizabethan war aims and strategy, by R.B. Wernham.
  • The succession struggle in late Elizabethan England, by J. Hurstfield.