Dmitri Shostakovich

Shostakovich in 1942 Dmitri Dmitriyevich Shostakovich; |group=n}} (9 August 1975) was a Soviet-era Russian composer and pianist who became internationally known after the premiere of his First Symphony in 1926 and thereafter was regarded as a major composer.

Shostakovich achieved early fame in the Soviet Union, but had a complex relationship with its government. His 1934 opera ''Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk'' was initially a success but later condemned by the Soviet government, putting his career at risk. In 1948, his work was denounced under the Zhdanov Doctrine, with professional consequences lasting several years. Even after his censure was rescinded in 1956, performances of his music were occasionally subject to state interventions, as with his Thirteenth Symphony (1962). Nevertheless, Shostakovich was a member of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR (1947) and the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union (from 1962 until his death), as well as chairman of the RSFSR Union of Composers (1960–1968). Over the course of his career, he earned several important awards, including the Order of Lenin, from the Soviet government.

Shostakovich combined a variety of different musical techniques in his works. His music is characterized by sharp contrasts, elements of the grotesque, and ambivalent tonality; he was also heavily influenced by neoclassicism and by the late Romanticism of Gustav Mahler. His orchestral works include 15 symphonies and six concerti (two each for piano, violin, and cello). His chamber works include 15 string quartets, a piano quintet, and two piano trios. His solo piano works include two sonatas, an early set of 24 preludes, and a later set of 24 preludes and fugues. Stage works include three completed operas and three ballets. Shostakovich also wrote several song cycles, and a substantial quantity of music for theatre and film.

Shostakovich's reputation has continued to grow after his death. Scholarly interest has increased significantly since the late 20th century, including considerable debate about the relationship between his music and his attitudes toward the Soviet government. Provided by Wikipedia
Showing 1 - 20 results of 1,475 for search 'Shostakovich, Dmitriĭ Dmitrievich, 1906-1975', query time: 0.09s Refine Results
  1. 1

    Zolotoĭ vek : balet v trëkh deĭstvii︠a︡kh, shesti kartinakh, soch. 22
    Золотой век : балет в трёх действиях, шести картинах, соч. 22 /
    by Shostakovich, Dmitriĭ Dmitrievich, 1906-1975, Shostakovich, Dmitriĭ Dmitrievich, 1906-1975

    Moskva : Moscow : Izdatelʹstvo "DSCH" = DSCH Publishers, 2018
    Klavir =
    Format: Musical Score Book

  2. 2

    Antiformalisticheskiĭ raëk : dli͡a chetyrëk basov i smeshannogo khora v soprovozhdenii fortepiano i chtet͡sa, b/n soch. ; Antiformalisticheskiĭ raëk : dli͡a chetyrëk basov i smesha...
    Антиформалистический ра�к : для четыр�к басов и смешанного хора в сопровождении фортепиано и чтеца, б/н соч. ; Антиформалистический ра�к : для четыр�к басов и смешанного хора в сопровождении симфонического оркестра и чтерца : б/н соч. /
    by Shostakovich, Dmitriĭ Dmitrievich, 1906-1975, Shostakovich, Dmitriĭ Dmitrievich, 1906-1975

    Moskva : Izdatelʹstvo "DSCH, ", 2015
    Other Authors:
    Format: Musical Score Book

  3. 3

    Simfonii︠a︡ no. 11 : "1905 god" : soch. 103
    Симфония но. 11 : "1905 год" : соч. 103 /
    by Shostakovich, Dmitriĭ Dmitrievich, 1906-1975, Shostakovich, Dmitriĭ Dmitrievich, 1906-1975

    Moskva : Izd-vo "DSCH", 2013
    Format: Musical Score Book

  4. 4

    Simfonii͡a no. 12 : "1917 god" : soch. 112
    Симфония но. 12 : "1917 год" : соч. 112 / переложение автора для фортепиано в четыре руки ; обЩая редакция Виктора Екимовского ; пояснительная статья Левона Акопяна = Symphony no. 12 : The year 1917, op. 112 / [Dmitri Shostakovich] ; edited by Victor Ekimovsky ; explanatory article by Levon Hakobian.
    by Shostakovich, Dmitriĭ Dmitrievich, 1906-1975, Shostakovich, Dmitriĭ Dmitrievich, 1906-1975

    Moskva : Izdatelʹstvo "DSCH", 2013
    Format: Musical Score Book

  5. 5

    Quartet no. 6, op. 101, for 2 violins, viola and cello by Shostakovich, Dmitriĭ Dmitrievich, 1906-1975

    London : Musica Rara, 1961
    Format: Musical Score Book

  6. 6

    King Lear : film music & incidental music by Shostakovich, Dmitriĭ Dmitrievich, 1906-1975

    Königsdorf : Indianapolis, Ind. : Capriccio ; Mfd. for BMG Direct Marketing, 1992
    Other Authors:
    Format: Audio

  7. 7

    Trio no. 1 dli͡a skripki, violoncheli i fortepiano, soch. 8 ; Trio no. 2 dli͡a skripki, violoncheli i fortepiano, soch. 67 by Shostakovich, Dmitriĭ Dmitrievich, 1906-1975

    Moskva : Izd-vo "DSCH", 2006
    Other Authors: “…Shostakovich, Dmitriĭ Dmitrievich, 1906-1975…”
    Format: Musical Score Book

  8. 8

    "Novorossiĭskie kuranty" : (Ogonʹ vechnoĭ slavy) : b/n soch. ; Traurno-triumfalʹnai︠a︡ preli︠u︡dii︠a︡ pami︠a︡ti geroev Stalingradskoĭ Bitvy : soch. 130 ; Simfonicheskai︠a︡ poėm...
    "Новороссийские куранты" : (Огонь вечной славы) : б/н соч. ; Траурно-триумфальная прелюдия памяти героев Сталинградской битвы : соч. 130 ; Симфоническая поэма "Октябрь" : соч. 131 ; "Интервидение" : телевизионная заставка : б/н соч. / Дмитрий Шостакович ; общая редакция Виктора Екимовского ; пояснительная статья Марии Карачевской = "Novorossiysk chimes" : (Flame of eternal glory) : sans op. ; Funeral and triumphal prelude in memory of the heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad : op. 130 ; Symphonic poem "October" : op. 131 ; "Intervision" : fanfares : sans op. /
    by Shostakovich, Dmitriĭ Dmitrievich, 1906-1975

    Moskva : Moscow : Izdatelʹstvo "DSCH" = DSCH Publishers, 2019
    Partitura =
    Other Authors:
    Format: Musical Score Book

  9. 9

    Romansy i pesni dli︠a︡ golosa s fortepiano by Shostakovich, Dmitriĭ Dmitrievich, 1906-1975

    Moskva : Izd-vo "Muzyka", 1982
    Format: Musical Score Book

  10. 10

    Trois danses fantastiques : pour piano, opus 5 by Shostakovich, Dmitriĭ Dmitrievich, 1906-1975

    Paris : Le Chant du Monde, 2011
    Format: Musical Score Book

  11. 11

    Quintet for two violins, viola, cello and piano, op. 57 by Shostakovich, Dmitriĭ Dmitrievich, 1906-1975

    New York : Am-Rus Music Corp., 1941
    Format: Musical Score Book

  12. 12

    24 preludes and fugues, op. 87 by Shostakovich, Dmitrii Dmitrievich, 1906-1975

    Munchen: ECM, 1992
    Format: CD Audio

  13. 13

    Sinfonie Nr. 12, d-moll (D minor), op. 112; Das Jahr 1917 (The year 1917) by Shostakovich, Dmitriĭ Dmitrievich, 1906-1975

    Zürich, Edition Eulenburg 1972
    Format: Musical Score Book

  14. 14

    Symphonie No. 5 by Shostakovich, Dmitriĭ Dmitrievich, 1906-1975

    West Germany : Deutsche Grammophon, 1983
    Format: Audio

  15. 15
  16. 16

    Op. 93 : Symphonie nr. 10 by Shostakovich, Dmitriĭ Dmitrievich, 1906-1975

    Hamburg : New York : Musikverlag Hans Sikorski ; G. Schirmer, 1998
    Taschenpartitur = Pocket score.
    Format: Musical Score Book

  17. 17

    Cellokonzert no. 1 op. 107 : Cellokonzert no. 2 op. 126 by Shostakovich, Dmitriĭ Dmitrievich, 1906-1975

    München : Orfeo, 2008
    Other Authors:
    Format: Audio

  18. 18

    Fifth symphony, op. 47 by Shostakovich, Dmitriĭ Dmitrievich, 1906-1975

    New York : Boosey & Hawkes, 1900
    Format: Musical Score Book

  19. 19

    Concerto no. 1 for cello and orchestra by Shostakovich, Dmitriĭ Dmitrievich, 1906-1975

    Herwijnen, The Netherlands : Channel Classics, 1999
    Format: Audio

  20. 20

    Ballet suites by Shostakovich, Dmitriĭ Dmitrievich, 1906-1975

    [Leeuwarden, Netherlands] : Brilliant Classics, 2007
    Other Authors:
    Format: Audio