Federico García Lorca

García Lorca in 1932 Federico del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús García Lorca , .}} (5 June 1898 – 19 August 1936) was a Spanish poet, playwright, and theatre director. García Lorca achieved international recognition as an emblematic member of the Generation of '27, a group consisting mostly of poets who introduced the tenets of European movements (such as symbolism, futurism, and surrealism) into Spanish literature.

He initially rose to fame with ''Romancero gitano'' (''Gypsy Ballads'', 1928), a book of poems depicting life in his native Andalusia. His poetry incorporated traditional Andalusian motifs and avant-garde styles. After a sojourn in New York City from 1929 to 1930—documented posthumously in ''Poeta en Nueva York'' (''Poet in New York'', 1942)—he returned to Spain and wrote his best-known plays, ''Blood Wedding'' (1932), ''Yerma'' (1934), and ''The House of Bernarda Alba'' (1936).

García Lorca was homosexual and suffered from depression after the end of his relationship with sculptor Emilio Aladrén Perojo. García Lorca also had a close emotional relationship for a time with Salvador Dalí, who said he rejected García Lorca's sexual advances.

García Lorca was assassinated by Nationalist forces at the beginning of the Spanish Civil War. His remains have never been found, and the motive remains in dispute; some theorize he was targeted for being gay, a socialist, or both, while others view a personal dispute as the more likely cause. Provided by Wikipedia
Showing 1 - 20 results of 431 for search 'García Lorca, Federico, 1898-1936', query time: 0.12s Refine Results
  1. 1

    Teatro inconcluso : fragmentos y proyectos inacabados by García Lorca, Federico, 1898-1936

    Granada : Universidad de Granada, 1987
    Format: Book

  2. 2

    Obras completas by García Lorca, Federico, 1898-1936

    Madrid : Aguilar, 1960
    Cuarta edición.
    Format: Book

  3. 3

    Lola la comedianta by García Lorca, Federico, 1898-1936

    Madrid : Alianza, 1981
    Format: Book

  4. 4

    Suites by García Lorca, Federico, 1898-1936

    Barcelona : Ariel, 1983
    1a ed.
    Format: Book

  5. 5

    Finding duende : Duende, play and theory ; Imagination, inspiration, evasion by García Lorca, Federico, 1898-1936

    Chicago : Swan Isle Press, 2023
    Bilingual edition.
    Other Authors:
    Format: Book

  6. 6

    Obras completas by García Lorca, Federico, 1898-1936

    Madrid : Aguilar, 1986
    22. ed.
    Format: Book

  7. 7

    La niña que riega la albahaca y el príncipe preguntón by García Lorca, Federico, 1898-1936

    [Boulder, Colo.] : Society of Spanish and Spanish-American Studies, 1985
    Format: Book

  8. 8

    La zapatera prodigiosa. : [Farsa violenta en dos actos] by García Lorca, Federico, 1898-1936

    New York : Norton, 1952
    [1st American ed.].
    Format: Book

  9. 9

    Collected poems by García Lorca, Federico, 1898-1936

    New York : Farrar Straus Giroux, 1991
    1st ed.
    Format: Book

  10. 10

    Poema del cante jondo, 1921 by García Lorca, Federico, 1898-1936

    Madrid : Alianza Editorial, 1982
    Format: Book

  11. 11

    Autógrafos by García Lorca, Federico, 1898-1936

    Oxford : The Dolphin Book Co., 1975
    Format: Book

  12. 12

    Libro de poemas by García Lorca, Federico, 1898-1936

    Buenos Aires : Editorial Losada, 1957
    3. ed.
    Format: Book

  13. 13

    El público y Comedia sin título : dos obras póstumas by García Lorca, Federico, 1898-1936

    Barcelona : Seix Barral, 1978
    1. ed.
    Other Authors:
    Format: Book

  14. 14

    A season in Granada : uncollected poems & prose. by García Lorca, Federico, 1898-1936

    London : Chester Springs, PA : Anvil Press Poetry ; U.S. distributor, Dufour Editions, 1998
    Format: Book

  15. 15

    Poema del cante jondo by García Lorca, Federico, 1898-1936

    Buenos Aires : Editorial Losada, 1967
    6. ed.
    Format: Book

  16. 16

    Bodas de sangre : tragedia en tres actos y siete cuadros by García Lorca, Federico, 1898-1936

    Madrid : Alianza, 2003
    Format: Book

  17. 17

    Así que pasen cinco años : leyenda del tiempo by García Lorca, Federico, 1898-1936

    Madrid : Cátedra, 1995
    Format: Book

  18. 18

    The poetical works of Federico García Lorca by García Lorca, Federico, 1898-1936

    New York : Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1988
    1st ed.
    Format: Book

  19. 19

    Yerma by García Lorca, Federico, 1898-1936

    Buenos Aires : Editorial Losada, 1963
    6. ed.
    Format: Book

  20. 20

    Antología poética by García Lorca, Federico, 1898-1936

    Esplugas de Llobregat : Plaza & Janés, 1981
    1. ed.
    Format: Book