Showing 1 - 20 results of 284 for search 'Erasmus, Desiderius, -1536', query time: 0.08s Refine Results
  1. 1

    Briefe by Erasmus, Desiderius, -1536

    Leipzig : In der Dieterich'schen verlagsbuchhandlung, 1938
    Format: Book

  2. 2

    Altera colloquia latina : adapted from Erasmus by Erasmus, Desiderius, -1536

    Cambridge : University Press, 1908
    Format: Book

  3. 3

    Twenty select colloquies of Erasmus by Erasmus, Desiderius, -1536

    Boston, Mass. : Small, Maynard & Co. Inc., 1900
    Format: Book

  4. 4

    The praise of folly and other writings : a new translation with critical commentary by Erasmus, Desiderius, -1536

    New York : Norton, 1989
    1st ed.
    Format: Book

  5. 5

    In Novum Testamentum praefationes : Vorreden zum Neuen Testament : Ratio : Theologische Methodenlehre by Erasmus, Desiderius, -1536

    Darmstadt : Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1967
    Format: Book

  6. 6

    Encomivm matrimonii : Encomivm artis medicae. by Erasmus, Desiderius, -1536

    [Basileae] : [apud Ioannem Frobenivm], 1518
    Format: Book

  7. 7

    Collected works of Erasmus. by Erasmus, Desiderius, -1536

    Toronto ; Buffalo : University of Toronto Press, 2022
    Other Authors:
    Format: Book

  8. 8

    Opvs epistolarvm Des. Erasmi Roterdami ; denvo recognitvm et avctvm per P.S. Allen. by Erasmus, Desiderius, -1536

    Oxonii : In typographeo Clarendoniano, 1906
    Format: Book

  9. 9

    Twenty-two select colloquies out of Erasmus Roterodamus : pleasantly representing several superstitious levities that were crept into the Church of Rome in his days. by Erasmus, Desiderius, -1536

    London : Printed for R. Sare and H. Hindmarsh, and sold by W. Davis ..., 1699
    The third impression corrected and amended /
    Format: Book

  10. 10
  11. 11

    The epistles of Erasmus. by Erasmus, Desiderius, -1536

    London, New York, Bombay : Longmans, Green, and co., 1901
    Format: Book

  12. 12

    Il lamento della pace by Erasmus, Desiderius, -1536

    Torino : Unione Tipografico-Editrice Torinese, 1968
    Format: Book

  13. 13

    Seven new colloquies translated out of Erasmus Roterodamus : as also The life of Erasmus by Erasmus, Desiderius, -1536

    London : Printed for Charles Brome ..., 1699
    Format: Book

  14. 14
  15. 15

    The praise of folie by Erasmus, Desiderius, -1536

    London, New York : Published for the Early English Text Society by the Oxford University Press, 1965
    Format: Book

  16. 16

    Selections from Erasmus, principally from his Epistles by Erasmus, Desiderius, -1536

    Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1918
    2nd ed.
    Format: Book

  17. 17

    Controversies by Erasmus, Desiderius, -1536

    Format: Book

  18. 18

    Enchiridion militis Christiani : an English version by Erasmus, Desiderius, -1536

    Oxford [England] ; New York : Published for the Early English Text Society by the Oxford University Press, 1981
    Format: Book

  19. 19

    The praise of folly by Erasmus, Desiderius, -1536

    Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2015
    Format: Book

  20. 20

    Éloge de la folie by Erasmus, Desiderius, -1536

    Bordeaux : Delmas, 1954
    Format: Book